Chapter 22

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Emily's POV

I slowly advanced towards the empty seat in front of his desk and seated myself on it, my eyes never meeting his.

"Look, I know this might seem rude of me to ask, and it's going to make you very uncomfortable, but, I have to know how your brother died." Finally, my wide eyes met his, glaring right into them. What the hell? My mind was running in all different directions and my emotions were all reacting at the same time.

I was upset, the haunting memories of that day came flashing back and tears were at the verge of pouring out of my eyes. I was angry, after two weeks of avoiding me at every cost, he brought me in to find out about something he knew was sensetive to me?! But somewhere, in the deepest darest part of my mind, I somehwo managed to feel happy, just seeing him and being able to talk to him ignited sparks within me.

Before I knew it, the words were blurted right out of my mouth.


"It's for your own good Emily-"

"Why?" I interrupted him. My anger was winning my other emotions, reaching the top of my nerves. All of a sudden, I wanted to hate Logan Miller. I wanted nothing to do with him. He had put me through hell. He had saved me too, but he wouldn't have had to if he didn't kidnap me in the first place. He was a cold and ruthless man.

"I know you won't believe me, but I need you too." His eyes pierced through mine and I slowly nodded my head. He turned his computer screen so it was now facing me. An image of my brother in a headlock popped up on the screen. He had blood on the side of his face and his eyes held nothing but fear. The tears had now found their way towards my eyes, but I bit my tongue, holding them back.

"What is this?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Emily, this picture was taken a couple weeks ago" I now looked at him in absolute horror.

"That's impossible. My brother is dead. He died right in front of my eyes. I saw them... they... they shot him... they-" I broke down. I couldn't take it anymore. The evocative images caused my tears to release themselvs, my head fell into my hands as I sobbed right in front of him.

"Emily, I need you to listen to me very carefully" I heard his voice pass through my ears. I lifted my head and wiped the remaining tears, nodding at him. "Joseph is alive. That day, they shot him with a dose of Adenosine, it's a drug capable of stopping the heart for a period of time without killing the host. Your brother is being held hostage by my enemy organization."

I remained paralyzed, allowing the information to be digested. But I couldn't. All those years, of thinking that my brother was dead. The feeling of helplessness and being pathetic every single day of my life. The feeling of being guilty for not being able to help him. The feeling of grief over losing the most important person in your life. Your other half, my twin, my brother. It was all for nothing. But knowing that my brother was being held hostage for five years was what angered me the most. In that very moment the only thing I could see was red. I wanted to haunt them down, the people that did that to him. I wanted to kill them with my bare hands.

"Who? Who has him?" He picked up his phone from the desk, clicking buttons on it, before turning the phone back to meet my eyes.

My eyes widened even more. Three years. For three years I believed those eyes to be innocent, but they were worse than I thought. I had been cheated in every way.

"His name is Deklan-"

"Johnson" I finished for him. He looked at me, whilst my eyes remained on the picture in front of me.

"How do you-"

"He was my ex-boyfriend. He cheated on me after three years of dating. But he was never really dating me was he? He just used me as his tech girl." Realization hit me and my face was paling. It was more information in one day than I had ever recieved in my entire life. Logan remained silent, and I knew that was my answer. I had been used. Cheated. Manipulated. I laughed humourlessly, getting up from the chair, my hand on my forehead. "How could I have been so stupid? I let him cheat me. That bastard! Do you know why he has him?" I questioned. I wasn't going to let this go. This was my brother, and I was going to get him back from that son of a bitch. And I was going to kill Deklan with my bare hands.

"Not yet, but we're on it. We will find him Emily." I heard him say. I nodded and turned around, leaving. He didn't stop me. I left the office, calling it a day, back to my apartment. I needed a day off to process everything, to figure something out. To not repeat the same mistake I had made when I thought he died. I was past feeling helpless and pathetic. Now, I was going to save him. Even if that resulted in my own death. I would fight back.

I opened the door to my apartment, and found a patiently waiting Larissa sitting on my couch.

"Hey, you're home early" She commented. I nodded. The past two weeks my sister and I had been closer than ever. She had gotten a job as a teacher and had matured a lot during the past weeks. Our relationship was getting somewhere. "What's wrong? You look pale" As much as I wanted to hide the information from her, I couldn't. Joseph was her brother too. And she had a right to know.

I told her to sit down, and recited the whole story to her. She listened attentively and had the same reaction as me. After a while of conving her of the truth, she finally believed me.

"Emily, I know this sounds absolutley crazy, but I think we should join Logan's organization" She suggested.

"Larissa, the crazy thing is that I think that you're right"


Do you think they are going to join Logan? Do you think Logan is going to let them join?? Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think!! Also, what do you guys think of the new cover?

Picture of Joseph to the side--->





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