Chapter 17

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Logan's POV

I got up from my sleepless night and walked down to the kitchen, finding it empty again. The events of last night were still in my mind. My heart ached of guilt, but I forced myself to push the thoughts away as I drained the rest of my coffee in the sink. Placing the mug down in the sink I realised that Emily hadn't been down here.

I ascended the stairs and headed towards Emily's room, shouting her name in the process, but I received no answer in return. Once I arrived her room I knocked on it, but no response came from it. Maybe she's still asleep. But something didn't feel right. Slowly, I peeled the door of the room open, finding it absolutely empty. I frantically ran around, desperately trying to find her, but there was no sign of her. I was about to think that Draco might have made his move, but her suitcase was gone too. I ran back into my room, changing into decent clothes in record time and dashed back down towards my car, accelerating it towards her house as quickly as I could.

Upon arriving, I didn't bother parking my car properly and sped into the building and up the stairs to her door. I banged loudly continuously when the door suddenly flew open by none other than the Queen herself. She was dressed in her pyjamas and had a sleepy face.

"What?!" She yelled. I scoffed pushing my way past her into the apartment.

"What? Are you serious right now Emily?"

"No, I'm not. I'm a clown and I'm laughing, ha ha ha" She replied sarcastically, making my temper rise.

"Don't try and be sarcastic with me princess. What the hell happened? Last night you're in my house and the next thing I know you're gone" I said, raising my hands in the air dramatically.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't room with my boss!" She exclaimed.

"What the hell? It was for your protection. You had no problem when I bunked at your house after saving you from Draco the first time. Or when I stayed at your house in Chicago." I was getting pissed by the minute.

"Oh give me a break Logan! I appreciate the fact that you want to protect me and all, I really do, but I can't do this anymore damn it! I wasn't raised so I could be room mates with a criminal" She stated. And it hurt like a bitch. That's what she thought of me. As a criminal, which I was. But she didn't realize that I was willing to give it all up for her. That I wanted to change for her, be better for her. I wanted her. But for the time being, I was still a criminal, and I had a lot of enemies.

It's a funny thing to want someone so much. This wasn't lust, or sexual tension. This was something bigger. And somewhere in the deepest part of my heart I knew what it was, but I just wasn't ready to accept it. I had never gotten myself into shit like this, but this time I fell into the trap. And I had to get out of it before I fell further. But first I had to protect her, there was no way I would let Draco lay a finger on her.

Emily's POV

He slept with another woman.

He slept with another woman.

It was the only thing I could hear as I ran into the bedroom. I shut the door and slided down, hugging my knees. Logan meant nothing to me. He was a criminal. He was my kidnapper and I had every reason to hate him. He put me in a dangerous position. But somehow, I cared. I cared about what he did, where he came from. I cared about his past, present and future. I cared about him. I cared. The repetition of the words made my heart ache. I wasn't suppose to feel this way about someone so horrible, yet I did. The image of Logan going at it with someone else was rather disturbing but knowing that the someone else wasn't me hurt the most. I didn't want to feel this way, I wanted to hate him for dear life. But I couldn't. It wasn't that I wasn't trying hard enough, but the fact that I was incapable of hating him. Somewhere through our journey of hate and danger, Logan marked an X on my heart and I was incapable of removing it. And knowing that my X had placed a Y on someone else's heart made me feel betrayed. Cheated. Even though that wasn't the case.

I hadn't even realized that tears were pouring out of my eyes, litres of them. I got up from my crouched position and walked over to my suitcase, packing everything back in. I couldn't stay with him anymore. If I didn't leave now, my heart was going to end up in a million pieces, just how it was before I met Logan, and I was not going to let that happen. So I packed my stuff and took off.


"Oh give me a break Logan! I appreciate the fact that you want to protect me and all, I really do, but I can't do this anymore damn it! I wasn't raised so I could be room mates with a criminal" I yelled at him. I regretted every word I said, and I didn't mean it. But I pushed myself to do it, weather I liked it or not.

"Why didn't you leave a note?" He questioned, sounding exasperated.

"And what exactly would I have said Hey buddy, my mommy told me not to be friends with criminals so I'm leaving. Goodbye ex-roomie?" I commented, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Yes you could have. Look, I don't care what else you have to say princess, you're coming with me and that is final" He demanded. I scoffed, not giving in so easily.

"NO! I'm not. Go back to your blond bitch will you?" It seems my plan was failing because that just made Logan angrier.

"You. Are. Coming. With. Me." He said again, stepping closer to me, but with every step he took forward, I took one backwards.

"I said I'm not coming. I'm perfectly capable of-"

My words were cut off and I was suddenly backed up into a wall, facing a very angry Logan. He looked me down in fury, making my size shrink even more with the way he intimidated me. I returned my gaze to the floor, trying to focus on anything other than his mesmerising eyes. His breath fanned my face by the closeness of our bodies and he lifted my face to his with the tip of his fingers. "Listen here princess. You will do what I tell you to or I will shoot your pretty little face right now."


Chapter thoughts? Future predictions?? Hope you enjoyed it!





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