Chapter 33

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Emily's POV

They had kept their end of the deal, and I was going to keep mine. I walked into the lair, the hard drive with all the information on Deklan's organization in my hand, ready to be exposed. I walked straight into the coffee room, finding all the guys present, all except for one. Logan.

"Either he never drinks coffee or you guys just don't do any work? Which one is it?" I announced, grasping their attention.

"Duffy! It's good to see you too! How's your brother doing?" I smiled, walking to sit next to the guys on the table.

"He's fine, his wounds have all healed, we sent him to Chicago to live with my parents. Speaking of family, where is my sister?" I asked Jack. On queue, the door opened and Larissa walked in with Logan behind her.

"Speak of the devil" he replied beside me. She walked in with a smile and directed her self to sit on Jack's lap.

"So, are we ready to expose the son of a bitch or what?" Adam commented, making us all laugh. Logan remained silent as he took a seat in front of me, his eyes never meeting mine. His jaw clenched.

I nodded, walking towards the set of computers, plugging in the hard drive.

"So this is where it all happens?" A voice suddenly erupted, shaking us all.

We all turned around in surprise at the figure standing beside the door. And once again, I was met with all sorts of reactions.

Jack: "What the fuck?"

Austin: *pulls out gun*

Adam: "Jordan?"

Logan: *pointing gun at Jordana*

Larissa: "Hey....Jordan..."

Me: *silence*

She laughed, walking in slowly, weary of the guns that were pointed at her.

"Calm down, I'm not a threat. I'm just here to visit my boyfriend, your crew mate." She casually said as she walked up to a shocked Adam and sat on his lap. That's when my voice decided to act.

"What? How? When? What?" All questions that were currently messing my brain. She chuckled again.

"You're not the only hacker here. After I caught Adam at your place and heard you talking about joining a crew and exposing someone, I did some research. And as crazy as this sounds, I don't have a problem whatsoever with the fact that my boyfriend is a criminal." No one spoke for the longest time, Logan and Austin had lowered their guns, but still held them close by. Adam soon decided to break the agonizing silence.

"You are the coolest girlfriend ever!" he exclaimed, making everyone's mood lighten, well, everyone excep Logan's.

"How do I know you aren't working for someone else? I won't let this happen until and unless I have full proof of your loyalty towards this" She nodded and stood up, walking to him.

"I'll swear on that italian code of Omertà then" He thought about it for a moment, before he reluctantly agreed.

"Awesome, now that everything is out in the open, can we expose the bastard" I pleaded, everyone nodded, and I turned towards the computer, getting ready to finally expose the bastard who had made my life a living hell.

I grinned at the computer, and before I could clicked the enter button, finally accomplishing my mission, I turned towards the rest of the gang smiling impatiently at them.

"This is it" I commented as they all waited. I lifted my finger and clicked on the button, instantly making all his records transfer to the FBI and CIA databases. I grinned victoriously as everyone jumped off their seats, cheering for our accomplishment.

"We did it! Son of a bitch is going to jail!!" Larissa yelled, pecking Jack on the lips quickly. Everyone was happy, laughing and drinking. Everyone except one. Logan.

He stood at the corner of the room, a simple, plain smile on his face as he observed the rest. His jaw still slightly clenched. Not a minute later, he walked out of the room. Everyone else was too busy drinking, so I followed him out of the lair. By the time I made it outside, I found him pacing the grounds outside. His worried eyes met mine as I approached him.

"Aren't you supposed to be happy?" he stopped pacing as he noticed me, his eyes avoiding mine.

"I can never really be happy Emily. I am a criminal. I am corrupt. I have done bad things to people that make them want to kill me and destroy me. Destroy everything I have. My treasure." He stepped back, shaking his head and giving me his back as he admired the scene ahead of us. The sun had just gone down, and the sparkles of the dark night were showing, at the edge of being released. I took a deep breath, embracing the new found freedom I had just found, stepping next to Logan.

"Why did you do it then?" It was a simple question, but the answer was as complicated as his life. He scoffed, flinging his hands in the air as he searched for an answer.

"I was brought up by a criminal; it was all I knew how to do. I didn't have a choice-" This time I scoffed.

"I didn't have a choice? You always have a choice Logan. You are the CEO of a multinational company that is recognized by the world. You already own an empire in the real world. Then why risk everything to create another empire as a criminal? Why would you-"

"Because that's who I am damn it! I didn't grow up in a real family with a loving father who could guide me in the right direction. I grew up with an abusive father. I grew up with the mafia. And as I grew older, my thirst for blood increased, because I was angry, I was angry at everything! All I ever wanted was a normal life. But life screwed me over, so I found no use in playing my cards straight. My life was twisted, it still is. And I can't do anything to change it Emily. Because I'm too far into the trap. I'm too corrupt. I'm fucked up" I looked at him as he leaned against the wall his hands in his pockets and his eyes facing the floor. I felt pity for him. I felt sad. I wanted to comfort him. So much.

Life had screwed him over, and maybe it was too late to pull Logan Miller out of his mafia life. Maybe this was the way it was supposed to be. He had grown up with all sorts of twisted in his life that no 10 year old should have experienced, and maybe that's why he deserved this life. He deserved the chance to fulfil his blood lust.

But I had been screwed over enough times by criminals, and I knew that this was as sure as hell not my path. This was not the way I could live my life.

Silence had covered the air for too long.

I walked forward, reaching Logan slowly. He looked up to my eyes, and slowly, I brought my face up and kissed his cheek. He seemed stunned by the action, but so was I.

"Goodbye Logan" And with those two simple words, I walked away.


It's getting closer and closer to the end:( Can anyone guess how many chapters left?? Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think! Also I want to dedicate this chapter to   for all the support on my book! Thank you!!

Picture of Adam to the side--->





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