Chapter 12

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Logan's POV

I paced my office, punching everything that was in my way. One hour! One hour had passed and Adam still hadn't tracked her down. I wanted nothing more than to get my grip on that bastards throat and crush his windpipe. Why I was feeling so overprotective over someone who had been my hostage only a couple days ago was yet to be discovered. But at the end of the day, I was responsible for what was happening to her right now. If only I hadn't dragged her into that gala, she would be safe. If only... She kept her end of the bargain and didn't tell a living soul about us. And I should have been there to protect her. I should have known that this would happen. I should have been prepared. The ringing of the phone brought me out of my thoughts and I sprinted to answer it.

"Tell me you found her" I snapped, not even bothering to look at the caller ID

"Seventh Avenue, Manhattan." He replied, pleasing me.

"Get Austin, Jack and all the weapons you can and meet me there" I hung up, rushing out of my office, thirsty for blood. "Cancel everything I have for the next two days" I yelled at my secretary before dashing out of my building.

I sped the car, going way over the speed limits. Thankfully, nobody caught me. As I arrived the lonesome area, I waited impatiently for Jack, Austin and Adam to arrive. And it wasn't long before they pulled up right behind me.

"Do you have weapons?"

"Yes" They said in unison, throwing me a gun.

"Kill all of them, leave Emily to me" I instructed before we strode in with confidence and rage.

I easily passed through Draco's security before I entered the building. Screams were erupting from the east and I was sure it was a woman's. I ran through the eastern wing, killing everyone in my way. More and more people came out each time, but they were nothing compared to me. I reached a room at the very end of the corridor locked. By the screams emerging the room, I knew she was in there. I shot the door down and my blood boiled at the image in front of me. Draco had Emily pinned underneath him in nothing but lingerie. Her face was tear stained and I watched her struggle through the bastards grip on her, trying to rape her. The sound of the click on my gun jerked both their attention towards me. Emily's beautiful green eyes held relief, whereas Draco was grinning at me, as though he had managed to achieve what he wanted.

"Logan. I was wondering when you'd show up. Although I must say, bad timing. Feisty one you got here." He said, walking up to where I was. I pointed my gun in his direction, ready to shoot when I noticed Emily roll off the bed and fall. Immediately, I pushed Draco apart, running towards her. When I reached her, she had already passed out. As I looked back, I realized that Draco had escaped. I covered her with my jacket and picked her up bridal style, carrying her towards the exit.

The crew met me outside, an expression of worry on their faces.

"What happened to her?" Austin questioned as he spotted me.

"She fainted. I'm taking her home. Go back to the lair and find Draco. Use Ashton to find him if you have to." I ordered before placing Ems in the backseat of my car and driving off.

Arriving her apartment, I noticed it was unlocked so I slipped in, scanning the house before I laid her down on her bed. The moment I did, her eyes snapped open and she started panting for air.

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe. Calm down" I spoke, trying to sooth her down. She ran a fist through her hair before focusing her gaze on me.

"Thank you" she whispered. A smile crept to my face before I nodded.

"Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up." She nodded, tucking herself into bed before falling asleep. I walked out to her living room and sat down on the couch, dialing Austin's number.

"Did you find anything?"

"Not yet. We tried Ashton but he's got nothing. Adam's working on it though."

"Get it done fast. I'm staying with Emily tonight"

"Alright" I hung up and loosened my tie and took off my shoes before lying on the couch and falling into a peaceful sleep with her on my mind.

I would find Draco, and when I did, I was going to kill him.


He saved her!! yay! Chapter thoughts? Comment below and tell me what you think is going to happen next.





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