For The Love Of A Daughter

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Marrisa's POV

"I'm coming to get you...."I heard dad's sing-song voice and I shivered. I was hiding in my walk in closet under a huge pile of clothes. Suddenly, I heard my closet door opening, and his voice again, "Come on out Mar, I know your there, you know I'll find you anyway." I shuddered. But I knew there was no point in fighting, it was true, he would find me...

I peeked out from behind the pile of clothes, I saw him, he was standing with his back towards me and the door was open if I was fast enough, I could make a dash for it and maybe run out of the house. I didn't waste anytime and quickly tiptoed towards the door quietly. "Damned plastic bags," I cursed as I stepped on one, he whirled around and I quickly bolted out of my room, grabbing my emergency overnight bag on the way. Father chased after me, telling me to stop, I managed to reach the front door and as I grappled at the stupid lock I could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer to me. I managed to unlock it. 

"Too late!" he yelled as he pulled on my hair, hard, slamming me down on the floor. "You worthless, fucking bitch, how dare you run away from your own father." he yelled as he slapped me. 

"Not much of  a father, are you?" I muttered under my breath, but apparently he heard it, "What did you say, you little bitch?"he thundered in my ear. Not given me a chance to answer, he kicked me in the stomach as he yelled, "How dare you say that, your mother was killed because of you! It was because of you that I lost her, now your fucking saying that I haven't been looking after you properly when I'm the reason you're not wandering the fucking streets. I've looked after you for fucking 11 years, 11 years! I should have chased you out, let you fucking die on the fucking streets." he kicked me and punched me with every sentence he said and I soon lost count of the amount of times he had kicked me. I just whimpered and curled myself up into a ball.

Soon, he stopped and I slowly uncurled myself, wincing with every move. I crawled back up to my room and locked the door behind myself. I went to the mirror, raised my shirt and saw the fresh bruises mixed with the older ones from Katherine and Dylan beating me up in school.

Then my phone chirped, I looked at it and saw that someone had tweeted, yet again, about me. I was just wondering whether I should look at it, "Go on, you know you wanna, come on, it's just the truth isn't it?" a little voice in my head whispered. I listened to it, knowing it's the truth. And looked, Katherine had tweeted "Hey @LovaticMarissa Enjoying another round of sex with ur father again?Haha, worthless slut."

The tweet and what dad had said earlier pushed me off the edge, I started sobbing. The voice came again, "Cut, come on Marissa, you know you will feel good. What they say is the truth and you know it. " it whispered.

As if in a trance, I walked towards the bathroom and got my towel as the voices egged me on. I layed it on my lap and slid my razor out of my pocket. A tear trickled down my cheek and landed on my wrist as I lowered the blade down to it.  As it slid over my skin, blood ran down onto the towel and I let out a sigh as I felt nothing more but relief. I kept cutting, until the voices quietened down and I felt satisfied. Then I watched for a while whilst the blood trickled out of my wound, before I decided to wash them. Halfway through washing my arm, the doorbell rang and I cursed. I quickly washed my face, dried my hands, hid the towel, slid the razor back into my pocket and pulled down my hoodie sleeves to hide the fresh cuts.

Then I ran down and opened the door......


Haha, I know I'm evil. Thx fr reading, anyways, hope you guys liked it, I dunno when I can update though cuz I'm going on holiday soon, I'll see if I can, I will.

And don't tell me abt not swearing that much, this is how the character is....


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