Here We Go Again

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Marissa's POV

About half an hour before Chase was supposed to come over, Demi left the house to give me and Chase some alone time. I was just going around, making sure I had all the movie snacks ready and of course, making sure I looked okay when the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock, Demi had barely left for 10 minutes, why would Chase be so early? I opened the door and saw….Dylan….

“Dylan, ho…what are you d-doing here?” I stuttered, swallowing as I eyed him, man he looked so hot right now, his hair styled to perfection, his eyes, those chocolate coloured eyes making me melt as I looked into them. Marissa, focus, I shook myself and forced myself to look mad at him, praying that my next words won’t come out in a stutter. “Get out!” I yelled at him, trying to shut the door on him, but he put his hand out and stopped me.

“Marissa, please, let me talk to you.” He begged, looking me in the eyes and I almost instantly gave in to him. Then I remembered what he had done to me.

“No, Dylan, you can’t just play around with me like that, I’m not your toy, leave me alone.”

“Please Rissa, what can I do to make you listen to me?”

“Nothing, nothing you do right now will make me listen to you, we never existed. You made that pretty clear when you told me that all you had ever done was just part of a dare. A game. Just leave me alone.” I yelled, holding back tears as I tried again, to close the door on him, I knew if this didn’t end, Dylan was gonna see me in tears and I’m gonna give in to him again.

“Rissa, listen, Katherine threatened to show everyone a video of me doing something that I’m not supposed to be doing if I didn’t break up with you. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t let that video get out. I’ve got it and I’ve destroyed it now. I just want you back, please, Rissa.” He said and I could hear the sincerity behind his voice. I didn't know if I should trust him but my one moment of hesitation was enough for him to shove the door open and I flew to the ground.

He slammed to door shut and turned towards me, advancing threateningly, a smirk on his face and an evil glint in his bloodshot eyes. As he came closer, I could smell alcohol in his breath and my heart rate immediately sped up. He's drunk!

As he came closer, I tried to get up and run but my feet just collasped under me again. I scrambled backwards, using my hands to pull myself away from him. I just kept backing away from him until my back hit the wall and he laughed coldly. I desperately looked around, searching for something to defend myself with or at least somewhere to run to.

He had me backed up against the wall and I turned away from him. I could smell the alcohol in his breathe and feel his breathe down my neck. I shivered in fear as he grabbed my face and forced me to look him in the eye and said, "Let's have some fun." he whispered in my ear.

I realized what he was about to do and I begun to struggle but all he did was hold me tighter, when I begun to kick and punch him, he slapped me across the face and I went limp. I gave up.

He kiss me on the lips, hard, and shoved his tongue into my mouth, when I didn't respond, he pulled away and slapped me,"You had better go along with this you bitch,"

He kissed me again, but I refused to kiss back, I just lay there, and let him do whatever he wanted. 

It just seemed like I wasn't the one getting raped, like I was just watching from a distance. I didn't feel anything, yet I knew exactly what was happening. 

Then he begun taking off his pants and I realized that he wasn't joking. That he was really gonna do this to me. I was frozen. Then the doorbell rung. Yet Dylan didn't stop, it was as if he was possessed. I started screaming as loud as I could and Dylan clapped a hand over my mouth, but I bit it and he flinched away and I kept screaming. The door flew open and Chase flew in with it. 

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