Don't Forget

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Demi's POV

It's been a week since Marissa went into coma, and I was now sitting beside her on her bed just talking to her. Suddenly, her heart monitors went crazy, I ran out and screamed for the doctors, they came running and pushed me out of the room slamming the doors on me. I pounded on the door, yelling for them to let me in, Jessica came and pulled me away and held me as I shook. We had gotten much closer in the past few days because Jessica and Chase were the only ones who spent almost all their time at the hospital apart from me. Leaving only to shower and grab a change of clothes.

Jessica's POV

Marissa's heart monitors went crazy, and I couldn't deny that I was worried. What if Marissa didn't survive, what if she died? I could've cried but I knew that I needed to stay strong if Demi was gonna stay sane. She looked I held her to me while she shook. She seemed so small and so weak right now, even though she's almost 7 years older than me.

I knew she blamed herself for Marissa's attempt at suicide. I tried to tell her otherwise but she wouldn't listen, I tried to tell her that it's not her fault that she was bipolar and that she just happened to have an attack then but she wouldn't listen. I suddenly felt her relax in my arms and realized that she had fallen asleep. Poor girl was tired out, she said she had been sleeping on the couch in the hospital, but I knew she hadn't slept a wink and had been up talking to Marissa.

I let her sleep and just sat and waited even though it was killing me slowly with every minute that passed. After what seemed like an eternity but was in actuality only 15 or so minutes, the doctor came out, he nodded and smiled and I sighed in relief.

I figured that Demi was probably so tired she wouldn't wake up so I lifted her to the couch. Yes, you heard me right, I lifted her. LIFTED Demi. She has been so worried about Marissa that she hasn't been eating properly. And I'm pretty sure she's been puking everything she ate out.

Then I went up to Marissa again and sat by her side, I took her hand and put it to my forehead, muttering,"Marissa please wake up, Demi needs you, I need you, Chase needs you, I know you can hear me. Please, Demi's falling apart, I'm pretty sure she hasn't slept properly in a week and hasn't had a proper meal in a week too."

*1 week later, still Jessica's POV

It has been two weeks already and Marissa still hasn't woken up, Demi looked like she went back to 2010, I wondered if she relapsed but I she denied it every time I asked her. And Chase, well, was just Chase, I hadn't heard him have a proper conversation with anyone in two weeks and whenever I tried to talk to him, he just answered with monosyllables.

Demi's POV

I hadn't cut again but I haven't been eating properly. I think Jessica knew but every time she tried to bring it up, I just gave her a smile and assured her that I was fine and she knew enough to let go of it. I was starting to be able to see my ribs sticking out, my body looked like 2010 all over again, minus the cuts. Marissa still hasn't woken up and I was starting to lose hope, yet I still sat beside her day and night, watching for any movement at all and just hoping that her eyelids would flutter or something like that, but it never happened.

Right now, I was alone at the hospital again, Jessica and Chase had gone home and it was just me and Marissa in the room. I stroked her face, she looked so peaceful just lying there and she was so beautiful, I couldn't understand why she thought herself ugly. Suddenly, her fingers moved, I stared at it, not daring to believe it and thinking that I was dreaming. It moved again and practically jumped for joy. I wasn't dreaming! Then her eyelids started to flutter and I ran for the doctor. I came back with the doctor and her eyes were open and she was looking around confusedly. She looked over at me and screamed,"Oh my god it Demi Lovato, Demi I love you so much! You inspire me so much!" I just stared at her confused and the doctor pushed me out of the room, saying that she needed to do so tests on Marissa first.

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