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Demi’s POV

I woke up to Marissa trying to pry my hands off her, I took one look at her and knew something was up, I instantly sat up and asked, “What’s wrong, baby girl, are you okay?”

“It hurts,” she replied, her face scrunched up in pain.

“What hurts, baby?” I asked softly, trying to be as gentle as possible so that I wouldn’t cause her anymore pain.

“My head.” She groaned in pain, her eyes shut, she stood up, or rather tried to stand up and immediately fell over. I ran over to her and cradled her in my arms but it didn’t seem like she was aware of it, her eyes opened for a second and I could see them glaze over as her eyes started to roll back in her head and she blacked out.

I didn’t know what happened but the doctor told me to call him in case anything like this happened. I wanted to but I didn’t wanna make a big deal out of nothing, if it was nothing, so I decided to wait for about half an hour and see if she woke up. I lay her down on the bed and lay down beside her, wrapping my arms around her. I was just gonna close my eyes when my phone started vibrating, I grabbed and looked, Chase had texted me, asking if he could come over. I replied yes and put my phone down and lay back down.

I played with Marissa’s hair, trying not to fall asleep, 15 minutes later, the doorbell rang. I scrambled up and ran downstairs, I opened the door for Chase and let him in. Surprise, I told him what happened and brought him into Marissa room, I watched as he sat by the bed and look at Marissa. He reached out and touched her face so gently, I could see his eyes fill up with tears. I knew how he felt, having loved Marissa so much and now she just forgot me was just the same as practically dating her then having her completely forget that you told her you loved her as more than a friend.

He put his head on her chest and I could see the tears that slipped from his eyes even though he attempted to hide them from me. My own tears threatened to spill out of my eyes too as I wondered if Marissa would ever remember me. I climbed back onto the bed and lay down, wrapping my arms around Marissa’s waist again.

Without realizing it, I fell asleep and when I woke up, it was already an hour later. Marissa still hadn’t waked up but when I moved, she shifted and opened her eyes. “Marissa?”

She groaned, “What happened?”

“I don’t know, I woke up to you trying to get me off you, then I let you get up and you fell over and blacked out. You tell me what happened!”

Marissa’s POV

“I don’t know, I woke up to you trying to get me off you, then I let you get up and you fell over and blacked out. You tell me what happened!” Demi exclaimed. Then, I remembered, I remembered how the pictures flashed through my head, yet it wasn’t completely clear pictures, they were blur pictures, as if pictures that were faded from being left in the pocket of a shirt that was put in the washer (In Case, lol, why the hell did I feel the need to do this?)

It was so frustrating, only being able to remember random, fuzzy things, and not the full clear picture, it was like a scratched or fogged up part of a pair of spectacles that you can’t see clearly with. Why couldn’t I just remember everything?

I tried to get up and realized that Chase’s head was on my chest and he had tear streaks on his face. He cried for me? As soon as I tried to move his head, he woke up and looked up groggily, when his eyes settled on my face, they lit up immediately, “You’re awake?” he asked.

I smiled, he was so adorable, wait, why am I thinking that? “Thank you.” He said, and I was confused then I realized what I had done, and mentally face palmed, I NEED to stop thinking out loud. Chase smirked, “Yeah, you do.” Great, see? I just did it again!

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