On The Line

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Marissa's POV

I woke up to the sound of banging echoing all around in the silent house. I was just wondering what the hell was going on when Demi stirred and mumbled,"Rissa, babe could you please go open the door?"

I groaned and stumbled out of bed, I went to the balcony and looked down. And saw dad. I panicked, I ran back into the room and shook Demi and Jess,"Guys, wake up, I can't go open the door."

Demi groaned and flipped over. Ugh, I swear that girl is the hardest person to wake in the morning. Like ever. "Guys, wake up, DAD'S AT THE DOOR!" I yelled, loud enough to make them hear me but soft enough to make sure no one outside can hear it. It. worked, the moment I said that, Demi's eyes popped open, "What do you mean dad's at the door? Who's dad?"

"My dad you idiot, I can't open the door, he'll kill me!"

"Okay, okay, hang on, I'll go, you guys go hide in my closet, you know the code!" she whispered before getting up and going downstairs yelling,"Calm your undies and stop banging on the fucking door, I'm coming!"

Demi's POV

What the hell was Marissa's dad doing here? How did he find out Rissa was with me? How did he even know where I lived? I had so many questions running through my head but I didn't have any answers. I swung the door open and he barged in yelling,"Where's my daughter? Give my daughter back to me!"

"Wow wow wow, dude, I don't even know you and you just come barging into my house like that saying I have your daughter? What the hell?" I said, blocking him.

"Oh you don't know me but you definitely know my daughter. She was out with you at Disneyland yesterday wasn't she? It's all over the tabloids."

"Fucking paparazzi," I muttered under my breath. I decided to play my most dangerous card, I prayed that if Marissa heard this she would understand that this was just an act, or even better that she didn't hear it at all. "Sir, if that was your daughter yesterday, I was just hanging out with her cause we met at Starbucks and she seemed like a cool person. She's just another Lovatic to me." I said, as calmly as I could, taking on an act of arrogance.

Marissa's POV

"She's just another Lovatic to me." Oh god, did Demi really just say that? I couldn't believe and I started shaking. Jessica, who was crouching beside me behind the cupboard, felt it. She whispered in my ear,"It's just an act Rissa, take it easy, Demi's just trying to get rid of your father."

"I know, but it feels like it's true, like the way she said it, it's like she doesn't care." I whispered back, crying silently.

"Aww, babe, she's an amazing actress, just like you've often said. She's just using her skills now to make him go away." I nodded silently. Then I heard the scream.

Demi's POV

"Oh really, then why is it that I saw pictures of you and my daughter going into your house?" he said in a cold voice that sent shivers down my back. I kept my act up.

"Okay, fine, so she stayed for a while, then she left, I really don't know where she is now."

He smirked,"You're lying, I've been waiting outside since last night, no one entered or left the house except for the delivery guy. Now tell me where she is, or else I have ways..."he said, and that's when I saw it. He was holding a dagger, a 6-inch long dagger and it glinted wickedly in the sunlight coming through the window. I backed away, but he saw me and yelled,"Don't move or make a sound, just tell me where she is or I'll kill you."

He raised the knife threateningly and I decided to take my chances and I said, "Okay, okay, I'll tell, she's in the kitchen." he seemed to relax and immediately rushed towards the kitchen. His back was facing me now, I took the opportunity and used the skills Max taught me. I swung, meaning to hit him at the base of his neck which would make him faint. But I was too early, he hadn't turned fully yet and saw me out of the corner of his eye.

He turned around, knife raised, ready to stab at me, but I had realized my mistake. I stopped my swing and skipped back a few steps. I felt the knife whisper past my ear, it had just missed me. and I involuntarily let out a scream. Then Marissa came running down the steps. I saw her and I yelled,"Rissa stay back, I don't want you to get hurt, I got this." my gazed had shifted to her and that split second was enough for Marissa's father to stab at me. It was as if everything was happening in slow motion....

I realized my mistake and tried to move away but I wasn't fast enough. I realized that I was gonna get stabbed and shut my eyes, waiting for the pain to come. It never came. I opened my eyes when I heard a gasp and a thud. What I saw next made me gasp in shock.

Marissa had saw it coming and she had dived in front of the dagger to save me. And the dagger had stabbed her instead, she lay on the floor, blood pouring out of the wound whilst her dad just stood there in shock, holding the bloody dagger.

I sprung into action and yelled at Jess to call the police while I tore off my jacket and held it over the wound, applying pressure to it. Marissa's face was pale and beads of sweat dotted her forehead. She reached out for me. I held her close, not caring that her blood was soaking onto my clothes as well. She gasped out, "Demi...thank...you...for...everything...I'm...sorry...I...brought...you...into...this mess...I...really...love...you....I'm...sorry...for...everything."her voice was hoarse and it came out as barely a whisper. I looked up as I heard a clatter, hurried steps and a slamming door. Marissa's father was gone.

I started to sob,"No, Rissa, I know you can make it. You are my little warrior remember, you'll get through this and I will help you get better after this."


"No, you're not just another Lovatic, you're not even my friend, you're my sister and I love you."

"Demi....I'm...sorry...I'm...just...so...tired." she choked out, I saw her eyes start to glaze over and I realized that she was about to lose consciousness.

"No!" I screamed as her eyeballs rolled back and she closed her eyes. I started to shake her, screaming her name, pleading for her to wake up. Then the ambulance came. 

The paramedics came out and pulled me away from Marissa and loaded her on a stretcher. I immediately grabbed my car keys and went out to my car with Jessica following closely behind me. I started the engine and followed behind the ambulance. I was in tears and I couldn't see the road clearly but managed to get us to the hospital in one piece.

The paramedics took her out on the stretcher and I saw alot of blood on her. I was screaming he name all the way to the ER. Just before they closed the door to the ER, I saw her eyes open and flick to me and for a second, it seemed like she was smiling.....



Is Marissa gonna die? Wait for the update! Hehehehe

Okay, sorry for the crappy chapter, but I was showering and this idea came to me like BAM and I just had to write it. So yeah, big deal, people sing in the shower, me? Nah. That's too mainstream. My mind writes in the shower. LOL. 

Anyways, I know I say this practically every chapter, but thank you so much for reading, you guys have no idea how much this means to me.

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