Catch Me Pt. 3

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Marissa's POV 

Demi ran on stage first and was greeted by her screaming fans. She started singing Give Your Heart A Break, followed by Catch Me and then it was my turn to join her for Skyscraper. I waited for my cue as she announced the next song. "This next song means alot to me, I actually recorded this before I went into rehab, I recorded it again after I came out of rehab but it just wasn't the same, this song basically says that no matter how low your rock bottom is, you can always rise back up, stronger than ever, no matter how hard people try to pull you down, you can always rise back up. For this next song, I will have a special fan joining me, her name is Marissa and I met her today at Starbucks under some very special circumstances. Marissa, come up here."  

I ran out on stage with a smile pasted on my face, my heart was pounding and my palms were sweaty. Demi looked me in the eye while holding my hand and whispered to me,"It's gonna be okay, everyone is gonna love you, just give your best." I nodded. She signalled her band and they started playing Skyscraper. And I sang with Demi, pouring all my emotions out, losing myself in the song I had played and sang to myself every single time I just felt like giving up, taking those pills, slitting my wrist and jumping off that bridge.

Demi's POV 

Wow, I was singing with her the first few lines but as she kept singing, I forgot to keep singing. I was blown away. I was blown away with her amazing voice, the amount of emotion she put into the song and the way she just lost herself in the music. I could tell that she was letting everything go as she sang, having flashbacks and allowing her defences to fall, just as I had when I sang this song live for the first time after I came out of rehab. 

At some point, her voice broke and I realised that she was crying, I quickly picked up where she had left off and held her to me as I sang. She was shaking and I let her cry onto my shoulder, rubbing her back and comforting her. She slowly quietened down and found the strength to sing the bridge and the chorus. She started singing again and I stopped, once again lost in Marissa's angelic voice.

Marissa's POV  

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and sang. I poured all my emotions into the song as Demi had told me to. Halfway through, I started having flashbacks. Dad beating me up, throwing stuff at me, Katherine and her posse beating me up, people calling me names. Without me realising it, I was crying, and my voice broke. Demi took over, she hugged me as she sang, rubbing my back. I calmed down and begun to sing again, I managed to finish singing the bridge and the chorus.  

When the last chords of Skyscraper died away, there is silence. As I begun to worry that I had sounded too awful that everyone was speechless, the crowd started clapping and it got louder and louder, people started standing up. I realised that I was getting a standing ovation. I was the reason these people were clapping their hands. I looked to the side and saw Jessica there, she was clapping her hands off and grinning like crazy. I smile, that smile broke into full on laughter as a surge of happiness ran through me, an emotion I had long ago thought that I would never feel again.  

Then people started to settle down and I sobered up. I was just going to thank the crowd when I suddenly heard someone in the crowd yell,"Little piece of crap, you just wasted our time, we came here to hear Demi sing, not some cry baby, attention-seeking bitch." 

The moment I heard that, every single ounce of happiness that I had felt was gone. Tears flowed freely once again and I ran, I ran back into Demi's dressing room and locked myself into her toilet.

Demi's POV 

Oh that bitch did not just yell that at Marissa! I quickly spoke into my intercom set,"Max? I want that bitch that just yelled that at Marissa caught, I want you to bring her to me and I promise I will break her pretty face just like she broke Marissa's heart." 

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