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Mysterious Person's POV

I walked down the street with my head down low and my hood pulled up over my snapback, making sure nobody could see my face. I zipped the hoodie up and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I walked faster and faster down the street, not daring to look up, if they caught me now, I was dead meat.

I heard footsteps behind me, I look back cautiously, still not baring my face. I sighed in relief, it was just an old man. I lowered my head and kept walking, suddenly, the footsteps behind me quickened, I look behind me again. My jaw dropped, the "old man" was running. What the fuck? That shouldn't be possible, he's a goddamned old man, how the fuck is he running like that?

He looked right into my eyes and smirked, I recognized him, and I ran, my feet pounding the sidewalk rhythmically. He was gaining on me, and I started flat out sprinting, turning the corners at a blistering speed, shoving people out of my way.

I nearly ran into an old man and yelled my apology. I looked back again, he was still hot on the chase. Everyone was giving me and him weird looks, wondering how the hell is an old man running that fast, chasing after a young man?

I turned the corner again and realized that I was running towards an abandoned warehouse, and I couldn't turn back! Oh fuck, I was bound to hit a dead end sooner or later, I can't let him catch me. As I approached the house though, I could hear voices, not just any voices, voices I could recognize, Demi Lovato's voice, Selena Gomez's voice, and a few others that sounded familiar but that I couldn't place.

I can't run into the same room as them someone would get hurt, but I had nowhere else to go, I could hear his pounding footsteps behind me. Moments later, I found myself in a huge room bustling with activity, and I kept running, barrelling right through everything and everyone in my path, jumping over wires and cables. People started yelling as they found themselves on the floor and those who didn't get knocked down stared at me, astonished as I ran past. 

I could see Selena in front of me, talking to Demi and a few other people who I recognised as Marissa, Max, Mandy and Brian. I wondered what they were all doing there but that thought flew out of the window as I ran right past them but stopped as I heard a gunshot behind me and screams as his voice yelled, "Hey bro, stop runnin' I think it's about time we have a nice chat, I'm sure you don't want Miss Demi Lovato here to get hurt do you?" 

I spun around on my heels, "NO! DON'T HURT HER, I'LL TALK, I'LL DO ANYTHING, JUST DON'T HURT HER!" I yelled when I saw him with his arm locked around Demi's neck and a gun aimed at her neck. He smirked and barked, "Hoodie off, snapback off, gun on the floor, hands over your head, right now!" 

"And if I don't?" I challenged.

"Then I put a bullet in this beautiful lady right her," he smiled down creepily at Demi and I could see her shudder.

"You wouldn't." I tested.

"Try me." he said while pressing the gun into Demi's neck, making her whimper in fear, his finger on the trigger.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it, just don't hurt her." I quickly started doing everything he asked me to. Demi let out a gasp as she realized who I was when she saw my face. I couldn't look her in the eye, but I could feel her staring at me. Just then, he gave whistled 5 times in rapid succession and a whole gang of men appeared. They grabbed me and held me still as I fought against their grip.

"Now let's talk, shall we?"

"Let Demi go and we can talk somewhere else." I yelled back.

"Nope, I think I'm fine talking right here, as for little Miss Demi Lovato here, she might be of assistance." he laughed coldly (Is that even possible? Idk whatever, anyways..).

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