1,2,3 Goodbye

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Demi's POV

I was just driving around when my phone buzzed and I checked it, it was a text from Marissa:

The first song we sang together, check my memos.

I was puzzled and I replied:

What? What do you mean? Please don't do anything.

But she never replied so I just kept driving around, hoping to spot her somewhere and as I was passing by some hotel, I saw a really skinny girl sitting on the rooftop ledge. I look closer and realised that it was Marissa. I slammed on the brakes and the car behind me swerved to a side to avoid ramming into my car whilst screaming profanities at me. I didn't even acknowledge them, I just ran to the hotel and towards the nearest elevator, I slammed my fist on the button, trying to get it come down quickly then realised that it was still at the top floor. I glanced around hurriedly, trying to find another elevator and my eyes landed on the emergency stairs.

I knew it was gonna be a long climb and that I wasn't gonna make good time in my heels so I took them off and ran barefooted. I kept running and running but the stairs seemed endless. Just as I was about to give up, the door to the rooftop appeared and I sighed thankfully. I burst through the door and looked around. I spotted Marissa and ran forward, she had one foot off the ledge and was just about to jump, I screamed, "MARISSA, NO!" she looked around in confusion and spotted me. She quickly turned around and jumped, everything seemed to be going in slow motion as I ran forward. I could see her slowly disappearing downward and I reached the edge. I grabbed onto her wrist and she jerked to a stop, she looked up and I could she the frustration, the desperation, the anger in them, she screamed, "DEMI LET GO!"

"NO, I WON'T LET GO," I tried to pull her up but I wasn't strong enough, damn, I knew I should workout more.

"Demi, please, I can't do this anymore, please just let me go." she begged me and the voices in my head instantly sprung into action again.

Look at this, Demi, look at her, she's begging to die, and it's all your fault, Demi. You pushed her to this.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the voices and instead focused on Marissa.

"Demi, please just let me go, all I've been to you, to Jessica, to Chase is a burden, let me go and you'll be free of all this."

"No, Marissa, you were never a burden to me, I love you and I want to help you. Let me help you Marissa, I promise this will all get better."

"NO, I'm sick of all your promises, you promised you'd never hurt me, Demi, look where that got us!" she screamed back and started struggling, trying to get me to let go. My palms were starting to sweat as they always did when I panic and my grip on her wrist was slipping. I held on tighter, using my other hand to get ahold of my phone and call Max. Luckily, he answered immediately, "Hello, Demi?"

"MAX GET OVER TO PALM TREE HOTEL NOW, I FOUND MARISSA AND I'M TRYING NOT TO LET GO BUT MY GRIP IS SLIPPING, QUICK, WE'RE ON THE ROOFTOP!" I yelled and hung up, throwing my phone to the ground and using my other hand to grip onto Marissa's wrist as well. She had stopped struggling and just hung there, her eyes closed.

Suddenly, there was a creak, I looked to where it came from and realised that the metal rod on the advertisement board was beaking off from me leaning my weight on it too much. It creaked more and I watched, frozen in horror as it broke off completely and I nearly lost my footing. I watched, frozen in horror, as it dropped onto Marissa's head and she went limp, blood trickling out of a wound on her head.

At that moment, Max came bursting through the door and I yelled at him to come over. He ran over and started pulling Marissa's limp body up whilst I quickly climbed up. I grabbed my phone off the ground and called 911.

"Hello, I need an ambulance right now, my friend suffered a head injury and is currently unconcious."

"Okay, what's her name?"

"She's Marissa Faith Tyson and I'm Demi Lovato so can we please keep this private?"

"Okay, where are you?"

"We're at Palm Tree Hotel, please, come quickly!"

"Sure, we'll send an ambulance over immediately Miss Lovato."

I hung up and ran over to Marissa, she looked so peaceful just lying there, I carried her bridal style, and ran down the stairs again, thank goodness for my touring, I now have like the strongest legs. We reached the ground floor and I just collasped to the ground, holding her in my arms, shaking her, begging her to wake up. The paparazzi had found me and were taking picture while yelling questions at me but Max and the hotel security kept them away from me as I just ignored them while continuing to try to wake Marissa up.

Minutes later, the ambulance came and the paramedics put Marissa on a stretcher before carrying her into the ambulance. It was like when Marissa got stabbed all over again and I got into my car and drove myself to the hospital right behind the ambulance again.

I saw them bring her out of the ambulance and her head was covered in blood.

I found myself waiting, once again, outside the ER for them to save my baby girl. This time, there was no denying that it was my fault. Max passed me Marissa's phone and I figured out what was in her memos without opening it. I wasn't going to, not until she's been pronounced dead.

A few hours later, the doctor came out with a grim face and my heart sank,"Which one of you is here for Marissa Faith Tyson?" I bunch of people ran over but they all gave way for me, Jessica and Chase.

He said, "We tried our best, but Miss Tyson has suffered severe trauma to her head and is now in a coma, we do not know if she will wake up or if she does, whether there will be memory loss, only time will tell now." and my heart sank even more. What if she never wakes up?

"C-can we see her?" I shakily asked the doctor, he nodded and the nurse shows us to her ward. We walk in and there's my baby girl, lying there. She looks so pale and weak and all her beautiful hair is gone. I walked up to her bedside and sank to my knees beside her. I held her hand to my forehead, "Rissa, please stay alive, please wake up, please, I promised you I will be there for you and help you recover. You promised me to keep fighting, please, Rissa, please, wake up." I begged, before dissolving into tears. Jessica and Chase came and knelt beside me too, rubbing my back and soothing me but the tears just wouldn't stop flowing.

What people say is true, we don't value what we have until it's taken from us, I hit Marissa when she was still alive and now that she's here, hovering between life and death, I'm breaking down.


Okay, so you guys didn't reach early update but I updated anyway, just cause I know how much you guys hate cliffhangers....

So Marissa is still alive, for now, I don't know if I should let her die though....

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Thanks for reading!


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