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COULD YOU GUYS PLEASE READ THIS TWEET AND RETWEET IT, IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT! https://twitter.com/jdbiebsavedme/status/403997389058736128/photo/1/large DON'T IGNORE THIS!


Marissa's POV

I walked downstairs into the living room where Demi and Chase were talking. I debated if I should just tell Demi or wait for her to spot my bloody knuckles. I decided to just wait it out and see what happens. Turns out I didn't have to wait long...as soon as I walked in and sat down Demi practically yelled, "What the fuck happened to your knuckles, Marissa?"

I didn't know what to say, I had expected Demi to be disappointed in me, not mad, and my anger flared, I yelled back,"Fuck off, Demi."

As soon as the words left my mouth, Demi's face contorted into fury and before I knew what was happening, her hand connected with my face. I gasped, my hand flew up to punch Demi but Chase stepped between us, "Wow, wow, wow, girls, stop it,"

"Oh great Chase, so your with Demi now, you know what? Fuck all of you." I yelled and ran back up to Demi's room, I slammed the door shut and locked it, then  I begun throwing my clothes into my backpack. 

Demi's POV

Marissa came down the stairs, I saw her bloody knuckles and I don't know what came over me, I just lost it. I yelled at her, "What the fuck happened to your knuckles, Marissa?" I knew I shouldn't yell at her for it and I regretted it the instantly, but when Marissa yelled at me to fuck off, my hand flew up and collided with Marissa's face. Marissa gasped and she went to punch me but Chase stepped in between us. A look of sadness flashed over Marissa's face before it was replaced with anger and she stormed back upstairs, the door slams and locks.

All my anger just went away the moment I realised what I had done. I crumbled to the floor. What did I just do? I can't have just hit Marissa, I wouldn't. Or so you thought, they whispered.

Go away

No, this is all your fault, Demi, admit it, how would you know what the hell is Marissa doing in the room right now? She could be cutting, or writing her suicide note, planning to kill herself or she could already be dead.

No, Marissa wouldn't do that.

And you would know because?

Just leave me alone.

"Demi, Demi, are you okay, Demi?" I started when I realised that Chase was shaking me and yelling my name. "Yeah, sure, I'm fine."

"Are you sure, you looked sorta spaced out."

"Yeah, I'm fine, let's, uh, go check on Rissa, yeah, let's go check on Rissa." Chase gave me a weird look but let it slip. Then we heard a thud and quickly ran upstairs and pounded on the door.

Marissa's POV

I had everything I could possibly need packed and I didn't leave a single thing I owned in Demi's house, it was as if I was never here. I looked around for a way of escape. I couldn't take the front door, Demi and Chase would hear me, back door was not a choice, so that leaves the......window.

I threw it open and looked out, I realised that there was a pipe going right down to the ground at about an arms length away from the window, I could just about reach it. But I realised that I couldn't climb the window with my backpack or I would fall so I decided to risk it and threw my bag out of the window. It landed with a loud thump and I panicked and quickly started climbing down the pipe. I landed just as I heard Demi and Chase pounding on the door and yelling my name. And I just scooped up my backpack and started running. 

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