In Real Life

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I know you guys probably hate me, I haven't updated in what? 3 to 4 months? And I'm not trying to make excuses but I really had to study for an important exam and I did, but I think I did pretty badly anyway so, yeah, that's that. I'm sorry for making you guys wait for so long, I love you guys, and here we go!


Demi's POV

I was just laying on the couch in the living room stalking my Lovatics on Twitter, retweeting a few tweets and laughing at a few tweets when I suddenly heard screams coming from Marissa's room. I dropped my phone on the couch and sprinted to her room.

I burst in to her room and she was just thrashing around and screaming for me on the bed. Her face was wet with tears and her body was drenched in sweat, her eyes were squeezed shut and the realization dawned on me, she was having a nightmare, an awful one at that. I climbed into bed with her to try and calm her down and almost immediately, one of her flailing arms hit me square in the nose, "Fuck!" I cursed and held my nose. She screamed again, her beautiful voice strained and cracking with pure fear and terror.

I snapped into action and tried shaking her to get her to wake up. It doesn't work. I screamed her name while shaking her, no effect. She was still screaming even though she has stopped thrashing around and now just laid limply while screaming and crying in anguish. Finally I just grabbed the bottle of water I kept by the bedside in case I woke up at night thirsty, twisted the cap and tipped its contents all over Marissa. The effect was immediate.

Her eyes snapped open and all I could see was panic and sadness as she looked around wildly. Then her eyes settled on me and it changed to relief as she flung herself at me and held on to me tightly. She just kept whispering, "Please don't leave me, please, please, please..." before she dissolved into tears again.

I was stunned and did what seemed natural to me, I wrapped my arms around her tightly while running my hands through her hair, whispering soothing words into her ear as she sobs wrecked through her body, "Hey, hey, look, it's okay, I'm not leaving, I'm still here, I'll always be here baby girl, calm down, shh...It's okay, you're okay...calm down." soon her sobs started to quiet down but I didn't stop, I knew whatever nightmare she had probably had something to do with me and from the way she was screaming, it wasn't good.

About half an hour later, Marissa's breathing had finally steadied and she sit up, freeing herself of my embrace. She wiped at her eyes but didn't look me in the eye as she apologized, "Sorry, Demi."

I used my fingers to gently tip her chin up so that I could see her face and used my thumb to wipe her tears away, "What are you sorry for, Rissa? There's nothing wrong with needing to be comforted after having a nightmare. You have nothing to apologize for."

"I'm sorry for wasting your time and making you sit here and hold me for so long." she said quietly.

I chuckled and she looked at me, confused at to why I was laughing, and I placed my hands on the sides of her face, cradling her face gently with my thumb on her cheeks, making her look me in the eyes, and said "Babe you did not waste my time, besides, if I didn't want to hold you I wouldn't have, you wouldn't be able to make me if I didn't want to. But that's where the difference is, I want to hold you, I want to be there for you and I want to be the person you come to for advice and for help. Actually, no, I don't want to, I need to, because I love you, and I care for you. And it hurts me when I see you hurting. And I don't know what I'd do if one day you were gone and out of my life again because I feel like you are my sister now. So don't you ever think that you are wasting my time or anything like that because you needing help or just needing someone there? That is not a waste of time. Got it?"

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