What To Do

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Marissa's POV

"Rissa, I think we need to talk," Chase said and I panicked. Oh no, I'm not ready for this.

"Chase, I need to rest, it's kinda late, we'll talk tomorrow." I said, avoiding eye contact with him as I glared at Demi until she got the message. She yawned widely and started to push Chase out of the room,"Yeah Chase, let's go and let Rissa rest, we can come back tomorrow."

She turned around and gestured at my phone, telling me to text her. I nodded.

Demi's POV

Hmmmn....wonder what's going on with Chase and Rissa. My thoughts were interrupted when I walked out of the hospital and was immediately swarmed by paparazzi. Ughhhhh stupid dumb fucking paparazzi, I ran towards my car as fast as I could and got in. They swarmed around my car and I honked at them, making them move out of the way cause I didn't want to run over anyone.

Just as I stepped into my house and shut the door, my phone buzzed and I saw that Marissa had sent me a message.

From Marissa : Hey, Dems, what's up?

From Demi : You know what's up, what's going on between you and Chase?

"Hold on, I can't tell you about this on a text message. I'll call you in a sec." the moment I read that, my phone rang in my hands, startling me and I jumped, my phone slipped from my grasp, I quickly caught it before it hit the ground and answered it.

"Hey, Dems!"

"Yeah, thanks for giving me a fright till I nearly wrecked my phone."

"What'd I do?"

"I was just reading your text and the phone rang in my hands, I got such a fright and nearly dropped it." I could hear Marissa chuckling over that phone and I smiled because I loved that she was happy.

"Stop laughing! It's not funny! Anyways, so what's the deal with you and Chase?"

"We-ell, we might have kissed earlier."

"You WHAT? You KISSED Chase, as in Chase Redwood? THE Chase Redwood, your best guy friend?" I yelled into the phone, freaking out.

"Yeah, I know, it's bad."

"What happened, Rissa?"

"I don't know, after all of you left and I was alone, the voices came again. I didn't want to cut but I didn't know how to shut them out so I just screamed. Then Chase came in and he asked me what's wrong. I lied to him at first, told him my wound was hurting. He knew me too well, he knew I was lying and asked me to tell the truth. I decided to trust him and I told him about cutting. I started crying, he hugged me and then when he pulled away, he used his fingers to wipe away my tears. We were looking into each others eyes and then he just leaned in and kissed me."

"Then what did he say after?"

"We didn't get a chance to talk, dad came."

"What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know, Dems, what do you think I should do?"

"Okay wait, I need to know, did you kiss back?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Did you like it?"

"That's the problem, I liked kissing Chase, but I don't know if I like him that way, I've known him for so many years and I've always look to him as a brother. Besides, I don't know if I'm ready for another relationship, I literally just got out of one."and added bitterly,"If it could even be classified as relationship."

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