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I know I usually name the chapters after Demi's songs, but I feel that this song suited this chapter most, if you guys don't know the song, it's Overboard by Justin Bieber featuring Jessica Jarrell.


Marissa's POV

I saw dad stabbing at Demi. I didn't know what I was doing, but I had only one thought in my mind, to save Demi. I jumped. I saw the dagger heading for my body and I closed my eyes, waiting to be stabbed. By my own father.

Then, the dagger hit me, I didn't know where I got stabbed, becuase all I felt was pain, it was like my whole body was on fire. I wanted badly to turn over to look and see if Demi was okay but I couldn't move. It felt to me as if all my strength had left me. Demi ran over, she tore her jacket off and put it on my wound, pressing down hard. It hurt like a bitch but I knew that it would help stop the bleeding. Right now though, I didn't really care, I looked over Demi, making sure she was okay. As blood kept pouring out of my wound, I could feel my self slipping away, losing touch on reality.

Demi held me close, I apologized to her, for bringing her into this mess for nearly getting her killed, everytime I spoke, my wound hurt like a bitch. She started to cry when I said this, it was as if she knew I thought I was going to die. I recalled what she said earlier about me being just another Lovatic, I asked her why does she care, she has millions of other Lovatics. What she said next broke my heart, I could hear the pain in her voice.

I looked into her eyes and it was my worst mistake, I could practically see her heart breaking, shattering into a million pieces. And she told me that she loved me, that I wasn't even a friend to her, I was her sister, I had never heard anyone say this to me in words before and it made me want to keep fighting. I had been ready to give up earlier, to just die, because no one cares anyway. But yet again, Demi Lovato saved my life.

Then I blacked out.

Demi's POV

She had been in the ER for what seemed like forever now, and I was so scared that Marissa wasn't gonna make it. Shut up, Demi, bad thought, don't think like that.

The doctor came out, Jessica and I rushed up to him,"Are you Marissa Faith Tyson's family?"

"About as close as to that as possible, we are her best friends, she has no family now since, as we had told the police earlier, her father was the one who stabbed her."

"Alright, Miss Tyson lost alot of blood as her wound is very deep and it is very close to her lung, in fact, it was just below it and nearly punctured her lung. But we have managed to stop the bleeding and stich her up quite well, she is currently in ward 126 and you can go see her. But she won't wake that soon."

"Yes! Thank you so much!"

"Miss Lovato, can I speak to you in private?"

"Sure, make it quick though, I really need to go see her." I said while mentioning for Jessica to go first.

"Miss Lovato-"

"Please, call me Demi."

"Okay, Demi, are you aware that Miss Tyson is severely underweight? She is also bulimic and anorexic. We also suspect that she self harms as we have seen scars and cuts all over her body."

"I am aware, in fact, I have been trying to help her with her issues for these past 2 days that I have known her for and we have been making some progress."

"Okay, Demi, I am aware that you too used to have this kind of problems but you have gotten over them. Now, are you sure you will be able to help Miss Tyson through this without relasping?"

Unbroken? (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz