Give Your Heart A Break Pt. 2

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Marissa's POV

I turned around and….and he was holding a gun.

I gasped, my mouth hanging open and I felt Chase tense beside me. Dad raised the gun, and swung it back and forth between me and Chase, growling, “Don’t make a sound or I shoot." 

All my life I've known my father, yet I've never seen him look so....tired.

I know I should be scared, I know I should hate him for all he's done to me. For all the years of suffering he's put me through. For being part of the breaking of me. But I just couldn't.

I realized one thing. He's my father, I would love him regardless.

He spoke, “Mar, I, I don't know how to say this."

I couldn’t let him know that I've forgiven him yet, so I put on my mask. "What? Spit it out." I said curtly.

"Mar, I know I deserved that.” I saw his eyes glisten with moisture and couldn’t believe my eyes. Dad was…crying? “I don’t want to harm you.”

“Oh really, then that’s not a pistol that could potentially kill me that you’re holding then?” I said, sarcastic.

“I just wanted to make sure you would listen to me and not call the cops on me. Mar, I’m sorry for everything. I never meant what I said on phone about you not being my daughter, it was just the alcohol speaking."

"You're not sorry, you're just trying to save your own ass." I said coldly.

"Mar I swear, I'm really sorry, the moment the knife stabbed through you that day, it was an awakening, I realized what I had been doing to you, I realized what I had been blaming you for an accident that no one wanted to happen for the past 11 years. Mar, I'm sorry, I-I just want my daughter back. I just want you back." his voice cracked at the last part and I knew he was sincere.

"Dad, I don't know what to say, what you have been doing to me for practically all my life has fucked me up. I can't just play happy family again and suddenly become best buddies with you. And what about this?" I gestured at my stab wound. "You are on the wanted list now dad, you will either have to keep running or get thrown into jail." 

"I'm gonna turn myself in, just, please, Mar, I don't care if you want to press charges on me, I don't care how many years I have to be in jail for. Just please, tell me I'm forgiven."

"Dad, you're my father, I'll always love you."

"Thank you so much, Mar, I-I-I love you." the gun had long since been off target already and dad walk towards me, lifting his arms up for a hug. I hesitated, then hugged him. And I felt, for the first time, a little fatherly love in his embrace. Then he pulled away, and it was time for him to go. 

He went towards the door, opened it, looked back one last time and was gone. Later, when Demi came in with a few other cops, I learned that after he turned himself in, he had been charged with a bunch of stuff and the police officers asked me if I wanted to press any charges. I said no and Demi was surprised.

After the cops left, Demi asked me why didn't I press charges, "Rissa, why didn't you press charges, he abuses you, he's part of the reason why you cut yourself and he stabbed you."

"Demi, when you guys left after Jess got arrested, he came to talk to me-"

"He WHAT? How?"

"He broke in through the window and he had a gun-"

"He had a GUN?"

"Yes, he had a gun, now would you just shut up and listen!" I said, exasperated at getting interrupted every few words. "He had a gun and aimed it at me and Chase. But then he said he wasn't gonna shoot and that he just wanted me to listen to him. He apologized, I wasn't convinced at first but then he was crying. My dad, the one that I knew, NEVER cried. He told me that the moment he stabbed me was the moment that he realized everything he'd been doing to me is wrong. He told me that he just wanted me back, that he just wanted me to be his daughter again. I told him honestly what he had made me feel all these years and I told him that I couldn't just accept him again. He said that he was gonna turn himself in and I said I would forgive him. And we hugged, and I for once I felt loved." I left it at that, not wanting to start crying again. 

"Aww, it's okay, it's gonna be okay, look as long as you think it's for the best, I'll hire the best lawyer to help him get a lighter sentence. I'll make sure you'll have a family, cause I know what it feels like to be completely alone, and I don't want you to."

"Thanks Dems, I love you." then I remembered Jessica."Ummm Dems, what happened to Jess?"

"Oh she didn't get charged at all, cause she told Mr Jones your story,"I gasped and she hastily added,"In private of course," and I calmed down."He understood why she wanted to hit Dylan and then called Dylan in and told him that he wouldn't be able to press charges because of "personal reasons" and that Dylan will have a restraining order put on him. Not allowing him or Katherine and her posse to come anywhere near you." at this point, I was grinning all over my face, for once in my life everything seems to be going right.

Then Chase cleared his throat, "Rissa, I think we need to talk."


So, what will Marissa do about Chase?

Find out soon!

Okay, so I know this chapter kinda sucks, I had a vague idea of what I wanted to write but didn't know how to put it in words. Besides, I wrote most of this chapter late at night because my wi-fi died on me and I had to wait till my sister came back home at night to use her portable modem.

Thank for reading! Please comment and vote!


Anyways, I'll just use the extra space for #LovaticStuff and #BelieberStuff







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