Every Time You Lie

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Jessica's POV

"Dylan, what the fuck are you doing here? With that bitch?"

"Hey, Jess, relax, I just came here to visit Rissa, I met Katherine on the way and told her about Rissa and she wanted to come visit too." my blood boiled at his words. I saw Demi out of the corner of my eyes, about to spring at him and I caught her just in time. He wanted to play games? Well then, we'll see whose better at it, since I AM Marissa's best friend.

I gave them both a wide, fake smile, "Hey, Dylan and Katherine. So, Katherine, tell me, why'd you suddenly want to visit Rissa, after bullying her at school for so long?" I could feel Demi bristling beside me, I put my hand on hers to tell her to calm down but kept my gaze on Dylan.

Katherine grinned back at me widely and answered evenly,"I'm sorry, I never knew how much it affected her, Dylan told me and I felt sorry so I came to apologize."

"Yeah, sure, sure you did, after I saw you two practically eating each others faces less than half an hour ago." I smiled smugly when I saw Dylan's eyes widen for a second before his mask came back on. 

"What? What are you talking about? I wasn't anywhere near McDonald's half an hour ago!"

"Hah! Caught you! Interesting, Mr. Sick Boy, how would you know that I was at McDonald's if you weren't there. Drop it!"

I knew he knew he was caught from the look on his face but he refused to give up,"Drop what?"

"You know what! Drop the act, Dylan! And leave Marissa alone, I swear if I ever see you anywhere near Rissa again I will make sure. You. Will. Never. Have. Kids." Dylan backed away, scared, as I advanced towards him. Then Marissa spoke.

"Um, guys? I don't really know what going on?"

Dylan tried to lie,"It's nothing, babe, we-"

I cut him off, "We nothing! I caught Dylan and Katherine kissing at McDonalds." the moment the words came out of my mouth, I regretted it. I could literally see Marissa's heart shatter. She turned to Dylan, tears in her eyes. "Did you really do that, Dylan?" she looked at him, her eyes pleading for him to say that he did not, to give her some kind of excuse.

I looked over at Dylan. I knew that he was not gonna give any excuse. His demeanour had changed completely. He no longer looked angry or confused. He was just cold. Heartless. He gave a cold laugh,"Well then, I guess the game is up, it was a dare, Marissa, it was all a dare. I never loved you. I was just playing along with Katherines dare. She dared me, to see how far along I could lead you. I'd say I've come pretty far." he gave that cold laugh again.

Marissa slumped back down onto her bed, she shook harshly, her head in her hands, sobs escaped her throat. She looked back up at Dylan and Marissa, her eyes full of a fire I had never seen before,"Get out!" she growled. Dylan smirked and walked out, passing right beside Demi, bumping into her shoulder as he passed by. I could see she wanted to hit him so badly but  was also at the same time, paralysed. But I wasn't, I was mad. And I pounced on him, I grabbed him by the collar, shoved him against the wall and started kicking him in the balls. He yelled in pain and tried to curl up to protect himself but I didn't let him, I held him against  the wall and kept kicking. 

Demi's POV

Oh god, Jessica looked so scary, she didn't look human, she was kicking Dylan in the balls like there was no tommorow. I didn't know what to do, part of me wanted to cheer her on, the other part wanted to tell her to stop to make sure she didn't get into even more trouble. Marissa didn't seem to be aware what was happening, she just sat on her bed, head in her hands. So I just stood there, staring like an idiot, I saw Katherine reach for her  phona and call 911, I quickly tried to pull Jessica of Dylan but it wasn't working, she shoved me and I fell. Then the cops came.

Jessica's POV

It felt so good to kick him to release all my anger at him for hurting my best friend so much. Then, someone started to try to pull me away from him. I shoved the person away and kept kicking but another person came, I looked out of the corner of my eyes and saw something blue, I realised it was a cop. I stopped kicking Dylan immediately, I let go of him and he sank to the ground, curled, ironically, into a ball, rocking back and forth.

The cop grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back, I tried to struggle, but couldn't and I felt cold, metal handcuffs clasp around my wrist. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, I was getting arrested.


Jessica's a bad chick! What will happen to her? Find out in the next update!




Okay, I'm normal now. That's basically what I've been doing all day so....oh well, #ItsABelieberThing

Anyways, comment and vote!


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