I Don't Miss You At All

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Demi's POV

"Marissa, get down here for a moment, I need your help!" I yelled as I observed the scene in front of me. A woman, clothes torn and bloody was leaning against the wall beside the door, "Help me." she whispered, before sliding down the wall and crumpling into a heap on the ground, leaving a huge smear of blood on my wall. Just then, Marissa came running down, "What's wrong, Dems? Who's at the door?"

"I don't know, but we gotta help her, come on, help me lift her up and lay her on the couch." I said, already crouching at the woman's side, putting the woman's arm around me. I looked up, Marissa stood at the doorway, her arms crossed, "What's wrong, Rissa?"

"What's wrong, Demi? You're really asking me that right now?" she exclaimed indignantly.

"Well, duh, we're supposed to help this woman right now and you're just standing there doing nothing, of course I'm gonna ask."

"Demi she could be lying, this could be all an act, what if she was just trying to get into your house to steal stuff, or worse, kill you? You're famous, Demi, you have to know that doing this is dangerous."

"Rissa, look at her, there's a huge gash on her forehead and it's still bleeding, there's no way this is an act, I can practically see the blood flowing out. And just cause I'm "famous" doesn't mean every single person that seems to need help is attempting to murder me. Come on, Rissa, she's losing alot of blood, she could die, we need to help her, please." I practically begged.

Marissa stood there for a little while more, just staring at me, she scoffed and rolled her eyes, before coming over and putting the woman's other arm around her. We lifted her together and brought her into the house before laying her on the couch, yeah, I know, the couch is gonna get all bloody, blah, blah, blah, shut up, I don't care cause right now, this woman's life is more important than a dumb couch.

I made her lie comfortably on her back so that I could check on her forehead injury whilst Marissa went to grab the First Aid Kit. I peered a little closer and realized that even though it was a long gash, it wasn't very deep.

Marissa came back with the kit, I put on a disposable glove and soaked a cotton swab in saline solution. I used it to wipe the blood off the wound and at the same time, rid it of bacteria. When almost all the blood was gone, I could see that it didn't need stitches, but it would leave quite a scar. It was about 4 inches long. I proceeded to dress the wound and bandage it, by then, the woman started to wake up.

She stirred and groaned, she moved her hand up to touch her forehead but i stopped her. Her eyes flickered open and she squinted against the light, as her eyes got used to the light, she looked over to me. "Who are you? What am I doing here?" she mumbled, more to herself than to me.

"I'm Demi, I found you outside my house just about half an hour ago with your clothes torn and bloodied and that nasty gash on your head. I brought you in and helped you clean that wound up." she seemed confused at first, then her eyes widened as she remembered.

"Hold it, hold it, so you're Demi, like THE Demi Lovato?"

"Well yeah, last time I checked, my name is still Demi." I smirked.

"Where's my daughter?" she yelled, while gripping onto my shoulders.

"Oh god, not again, seriously what is with you people and barging in, demanding to know where your daughter is. Let me tell you one last time, I, DEMETRIA-" I got interrupted by a small voice.

"Mom?" Marissa was staring at the woman.

"Mar? Marissa is that really you?" the woman let go off my shoulders, her hands falling limply to her sides. I watched as Marissa took small steps towards the woman she just called mom. I thought Marissa's mother was dead?

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