U Got Nothin' On Me

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Jessica's POV

Oh god, no, this cannot be happening. I had called Dylan to tell him that Marissa was in the hospital. He had said he was sick. I knew something was just off but I didn't know what. I guess I knew now.

There, less than 10 feet away from me, was Mr Dylan-The-Sick-Boy, drinking coffee AND talking to Katherine Le Bitch. Then as I watched, they leaned closer to each other and Dylan kissed her. On the lips. Dylan's supposed to be dating Marissa, and here he is, kissing up to Katherine when Marissa needs him in the hospital. AND he lied and said that he was sick to me too. That fucking bastard! We'll see what he has to fucking say when he sees me.

I stalked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and just casually said hi. If he was shocked or scared, he certainly did not show it. I could feel my blood boiling and I struggled to stay calm. "Dylan, can we talk? Alone."I said, stressing the alone.

"Yeah, sure." he said to me, before turning to Katherine and saying,"I'll be back soon babe." and I could just about turn around and kick him in the balls right now. We walked off to a corner where we could have more privacy.

"Dylan, what the fuck was that?"I said, as calmly and as quietly as I could.

"What was what?" he said, giving me I'm-innocent-what-are-you-talking-about-look.

"Dylan, don't even try to give me that crap, I called you to tell you about Marissa getting stabbed, you lied, you told me you were sick, you didn't even bother to go see her, now I see you here, hanging out with that,"I pointed at Katherine,"bitch."

"Look, Jessica, I can explain."

"Dazzle me."I said sarcastically.

"Jessica, Rissa and I are not exclusive yet, I can't even call her my girlfriend yet, she told me she wanted to take it slow so-"

"So you tought you can cheat on her. And for all the thousand and one girls you could have cheated on her with, you had to choose THAT."I gestured at Katherine,"Bitch."

"She is NOT a bitch, as a matter of fact, she-"

"Oh really, then tell me, why on earth does she bully Marissa at school?"

"Oh no she doesn't."

"Oh really, then tell me, what is beating Rissa up, calling her names and all that crap called if it's not called bullying."



"It's-I don't know."

"Fine, I'm gonna go tell Marissa. You are so."I dragged my finger across my throat,"Dead."I flounced away, grabbed mine and Demi's meals and ran back to the hospital.

Dylan's POV

Oh fuck, the game's up. Oh well, it was gonna end in the end anyway. It'll just end a tweeny bit earlier.I ran back to Katherine and told her about it,"Hey, babe, I need to go, Jessica sort of saw us together, now she's gonna go tell Marissa in the hospital."

"Oh, awesome, it's time we end this, I wanna be there. I'll go with you."

"Okay, that way she'll definately get what's going on."


*Back At The Hospital

Demi's POV

"Hey, Jess, you're back, look, Rissa's awake!" I smiled happily. But I could see that Jessica wasn't so happy that Marissa was awake. 

"Hey, Dems, I bought us McDonald's, I only bought 2 cause I didn't think Rissa would wake so early."

"Oh, it doesn't really matter, cause she has hospital food, and it's delicious."I winked at Marissa.

"Oh, sure it is, Dems, it tastes absolutely awesome. Why don't you have some?"

"No, no, I wouldn't dream of interupting your meal or eating you food, besides, I've got MY Cheeseburger over here." I smirked evilly.

"Um, Dems, I sorta need to talk to you. Alone." I saw Jess' face and got worried, I wonder what happened. "Yeah, sure, let's go have our food at the canteen where we can talk." I shot Marissa a look that says "Eat, or else." before walking to the canteen with Jessica.

*Out of Marissa's earshot

Demi's POV

"Jess, what's wrong, you don't seem happy at the fact that Rissa is awake."

"It's not, I'm not, ugh, I don't know if I should tell you this, it's so hard."

"Tell me what, Jess, you can tell me anything, just spit it out."


"What are you saying?" I was confused.

"Oh, wait, I'm sorry, I forgot you didn't know the whole story. So basically, Katherine is the bitch in school who bullies Rissa, alot. And she and Dylan were supposedly broken up. Dylan was the guy who gave us the tickets and the letter, he came to Rissa's house to give it to her. Rissa asked him why and he said he loved her and he asked her out. Rissa said yes but she also said she wanted to take it slow and start on the basis of friendship. So they have been spending time together for the last few weeks and getting to know each other. Then earlier, when I went into McDonalds, I saw Dylan and Katherine there, together, kissing. I had called him earlier to tell him that Rissa was in the hospital and that she had gotten stabbed, he lied, he told me he was sick. I just walked up to him and asked him to talk to me, alone. I talked to him and that fucking bastard said that him and Rissa are not exclusive yet, he twisted Rissa's words up and said that just cause he can't even call her his girlfriend yet, he can just go around kissing other girls. I told him I was gonna tell this to Marissa and I left, but I came here, I saw Rissa so fragile and I just couldn't."


"Demi, keep it down, you don't want Rissa hearing this!"

"Oh, sorry, but I just hate it when people cheat."

"But what do I do, should I tell her?"

"Yes, you need to tell her, I'm betting Dylan is on his way here now, let's go."

"Okay, wait."

We went back to Marissa's room, but we were too late. We already heard voices inside. We opened the door. Dylan was inside. With Katherine Le Bitch.


Hmmm.....wonder what happened there? Wait for the next update!


If anyone of you had read the A/N before I deleted it, I'm sorry, I never meant anything. I guess I was just having a bad day, so I took it out here when I shouldn't have. I'm never gonna quit writing, I love it. I'm sorry you guys had to read that, if you did. I love you guys, thanks for reading!

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