Hey, Brother

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Again, I know I usually name the chapter with Demi's songs but I couldn't find a suitable one for this one so this chapter is named after Avicii's song. And I think you guys know who Jason is from the title but whatever, here we go!


Chase's POV

What the hell was Jason doing here? We all thought he was dead when he left and never came back 5 years ago. I thought about that night, the night I lost my older brother.


I stood behind the door, peeping through the gap. Dad and Jason were yelling at each other and it looked really scary.

"Dad leave me alone, it was just a little drink!"

"Jason, look at yourself, you're so drunk, it obviously isn't just a "little drink"!"

"Am not druuunk." he slurred.

"That's it!" dad threw his arms up. "Jason Redwood, you're 16, you were at a party with drugs and alcohol in it!"

"I know what I did, dad." Jason hissed angrily.

"God damn it, Jason you're grounded for a month!" dad yelled.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do, dad. You're not that perfect yourself, I've seen you drinking in the fucking study before. I've seen you get so fucking drunk that mom has to fucking carry you back to bed. I've seen you fucking hit mom. As far as I know, hitting your own wife is just fucked up. YOU are fucked up, dad." he spat.

There was a sharp crack and Jason face whipped to the side. He clutched at his cheek, which had a red palm print on it while looking at dad disbelievingly. Then his expression turned into one of rage as he spun away and stormed towards his room. I shrunk back into my room, closed the door and leaned against it. I could hear Jason throwing things around in his room. A few minutes later, the sounds stopped and I could hear footsteps, then a knock on my door. I opened it and Jason was there, he had a backpack slung over one shoulder. I backed away from him, scared that he would hit me.

"Chase, lil bro, I'm just going off for a while, I promise I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Okay," I smiled at him while nodding. He ruffled my hair and went out, I peeped through the gap again when I heard more yelling.

"What are you doing, I told you you're grounded!" dad yelled.

"I don't care, I'm going out." Jason answered evenly.

"Jason Redwood, I swear to god, if you step out of that door tonight, you're no longer my son." Dad said it slowly and deliberately, making sure Jason heard him loud and clear.

"Goodbye. I'll see you soon, or not." He replied calmly. I heard the door opening and closing. Just like that, he was gone.

He never came back, I waited every day for him to come back as he had promised, but he never did. A year later, we moved a few streets away, into a house that dad had bought. (The earlier house was rented) By then, I had given up on Jason ever coming back and just assumed that he was dead. And he was dead. He was dead to me.

*End of Flashback

I shook myself out of my reverie, and looked at Jason. "You promised." I whispered.

"What?" he asked, puzzled.

"You promised you'd come back, Jason, I was waiting for you. I waited every day, for a whole year, hoping that you'd come back. But you never did. Then we moved and I just knew you weren't gonna come back, that you lied, so I took it that you died, so that I didn't have to believe that you lied."

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