apple bite

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I peered into Zeira's cot.

She gurgled at me delightedly
and my face distorted in disgust.

It was her fault.

Her existence was the reason
me and Suki were suffering.

You could choke her.

The thought made me jump
out if my skin.

You've done it before

I remembered back to when
Suki was two weeks old
and I'd attempted to 
feed her a piece of my apple.

She'd nearly died that day

My childish ignorance had been the cause
of my near fatal mistake.

You're still a child

I'm...I know....but I...

I know that killing Zeira
would only pile up more problems.

Aoi would be distraught.
Father's attention would go to her.
Maybe he'd find out and send me away.

Separating me
  from Suki
    from the only one
      who I care about.

I   s i g h e d.

"I hope things start to look up for us, I don't want to kill you."

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now