the maybe new friend

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"Morning! Are you Harmony?" 
The woman chirps

and the scarf on her head

shimmers in the
early summer sun
like the surface of
a huge ocean


I nod

"Oh, you've grown up so so much. 
You were this small,"
she motions with her hands 
"when I last saw you."

She laughs

and it's not magical
but it's warm
and it makes me feel
like maybe
it's not that bad
that Father left us
to go on his trip

"You can call me Aunt Eevie
I'll be looking after you
until your father gets back"

She spits out 'father'
like a curse

and I wonder
if, maybe,
it is.

"Please come inside." 
I invite her in timidly.

"Thank you, sweetie.
Oh, I haven't introduced you all properly."

She pushes out a tall girl
and a taller boy
from behind her
where they'd been hiding
like me.

"This is Zaina"
The girl smiles at me a little
I smile back.

"And this is Mihorbi
But he likes being called

I look at the boy
with the strange name
and blink uncertainly

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." 

I say

he looks down at his shoes
"you too."

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now