Shimmering Pixels

133 18 43

"That's Platinum, but everyone in
my guild calls him Plato.

Then there's Ju Li and Keikei,
they're my really close friends,
I go on quests with... "

We're in Orsai's room.
The tiny digital clock on
the laptop reads

01:32 am

and we went to bed
at ten.

The only light in the house
is coming from the screen,

it has her undivided attention.

"Sai, maybe we should get some rest?"

She barks out a whisper laugh,

"What? Are you tired already?"

I think of school tomorrow
and thank god that I had the mind
to finish my homework early.


Dedicated to the adorable Bo, for leaving comments that made me smile :)

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon