year five

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Suki was enrolled into a different school
And, though I begged Father
to let us go to the same place
there was nothing I could do
to change it.

I feel strange as I walk into
my new classroom for Year 5
I'm met with some new faces
and I see some old faces
but no one really looks at me
and I wonder if this year
will also be lonely

I shake the thought from my head
and frown at my negativity.

This time,
I tell myself
I'll choose a good friend
and I'll stick with them.

With that resolution,
I try to find my desk
in the five by six
rows of desks and chairs
I'm glad we don't have to sit
in color coded tables
this year.

Finding my place,
I sit down and look around
the rest of the kids 
form scattered groups
of two and three
they talk animatedly 

Then the door creaks open
and they take their seats
as the teacher walks in
with her hands on the
slight shoulders of
a young girl

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