Out Of The Bag

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The restaurant is large
and the small lanterns
hanging from the ceiling
emit a soft, dim glow.

I turn just in time to see
Orsai bounding up to me,
a smile on her face
and her hair tied back.

"You guys took ages!"

She grabs my hand,

"Everyone's waiting over there,
the only family room is being cleaned.
Come on!"

I smile warmly at her
and she leads me to the waiting area.

I realize that we're further away
from everyone else
and I look at her questioningly.

She just smiles again,
this time more secretively.

"Want to hear a secret?"

Before I can reply,
she's leaning down to whisper,
her breath tickling my ear,

"But you can't tell anyone okay?"


"Y'know my mum?"

I nod,

"Well she told me that Dad-"

She's started calling Father 'Dad',
I'm not sure how to feel about it.

"is actually still married to your mum
even if right now
he's married my mum."


"Yeah, and apparently,
he wants to keep both of them.
I think it's called something like
polygamy or..."

Her voice fades out
and I try to process the secret.

I look up to search for my Mother
and find her next to Father,
but Aoi's there too
on his other side.

She's got a look
of barely concealed jealousy.

And I'm left wondering

who's at fault?

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now