delete it, bury it

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It's past midnight
when I feel it.
At first, I think I'm dreaming
But the vibrations persist
and I realize that it's
the cell phone.

My heart jumps to my throat
at the realization

and I quickly fish it out 
from under the mattress
to check it.

I have a string of text messages
and my fingers tremble
in nervousness
and excitement
as I read them

Hey Harmony,
I hope you're reading this
how are you?

We're back home

and we've settled back in
we miss you

How's Suki?
are you guys eating?

You must be asleep 
I'll text again in the morning.

I blink in the light
then I bring my duvet up
to cocoon myself 
and start to reply.

I miss you too

I'm awake

I hope you come back

I'm lonely

I delete the last one.

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now