Gradual Finality

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It was the next day
- Friday
when Father had gone
to someplace I couldn't ask about,
that I approached Mother.

Don't, don't, don't

My heart chanted.

You'll never know if you don't try.

My mind reasoned.

Mother was sitting on the sofa
her pale legs tucked under her.
The sun's orange hues
danced around her
framing her like a halo
         (an angel?)

"Mother, can I ask you something?"

She looked up at me,
squinting when the sun went into her
grey blue eyes.

"What is it, Harmony?"

I hesitated...

Would you let me visit my friend's house?
She's in my class."

Mother looked surprised
and I resisted the urge to
cower and tremble.

"Of course sweetheart.
Where does she live?"

A gush of air left my lungs
leaving me in breathless relief.

f i n a l l y

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