away from you

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Aunt Eevie, Zaina, Suki and I 
scrub the whole house clean
we hoover, dust and wash
until it shines

I ask why we're doing this
Aunt Eevie grins at me

and says,
"Why not, sweetie?
I want to leave you girls
with a clean place.
Think of it as my last gift
from me, to you."

I bite my lip to stop myself 
from blurting,
But you're washing away 
all our memories
the familiar smells
and you're packing up
and I feel like I'll never
never, ever see you again.

I feel like there's ice
in my stomach
I feel the dread wash over me
wave after wave
as the realization sinks in
that the warm, fuzziness
of Aunt Eevie's presence
will soon be replaced

with cold, hard neglect

and hatred

It makes my head swim
It makes my heart drop
It makes my eyes water

and I vow to myself
that one day

one day for sure,
I'll take Suki and walk out
of our drafty
oppressively dark house

away from Father
away from Aoi
away from forced responsibilities
away from tolerating

away from everything
that makes us miserable

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now