disaster relief

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The new girl was,
as I had been,
very anxious.

She wrung her hands 
and ducked her head down,
so that her ears
were parallel to her 
bony shoulders

"This is Mei
She doesn't know much English.
Please remember how nervous you were
on your first day
and try to get along"

The teacher gently pushes her
and Mei walks down the rows 
to find a spare seat

She sits in front of me
and I sigh
because a part of me
wants to call out to her
and befriend her

But the moment I try,
all my courage flies
out of the floor to ceiling windows
of my new classroom
and I'm left

I decide to give it some time
before I try and befriend her
just to test the waters
to see who she really is
because I don't want
another Noreza
another  d i s a s t e r

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now