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Father's back the day after Aunt Eevie leaves
Aoi clings onto his arm as they walk up the driveway
I make sure that Zeira and Miria are clean
I make sure that everything is in it's place
I make sure I'm wearing
what Father calles
'acceptable' clothes

Then I walk back to sit near the girls
Miria and Zeira are oblivious
they giggle and play with their dolls
But Suki and I wait with baited breath
I flinch when the door slams open
the ditch in the wall gets bigger
for the first time in 3 weeks.

Father calls
And for some reason
just hearing his voice makes me sick
"We have good news!"

My stomach sinks
but Miria and Zeira rush to the door
with delighted shouts of
"Mummy! Daddy!
We missed you so much!"

Suki and I stand up 
we exchange glances
and slid on our best
happy masks

as we greet our Father and Aoi
back home

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now