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It's dark by the time Aoi and Father return home.

I've done the beds,
cleaned up as much as I could,
the dishes are washed,
the floors are hoovered,
the books and CDs are organized.

Suki is keeping an eye
on a snoozing Zeira.

I hear Father's 
cruddy old Corolla 
pulling up in the driveway.

The headlights shine
through the stained lace curtains
in the living room
and I slide my homework
back into my schoolbag.

The key slides in roughly
as Father unlocks the door,
he throws it open and it hits the wall
with a thwack.

He leads Aoi into the living room
without casting me a second glance
as he takes the bundle of blankets
from her arms.

The bundle starts to scream.

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now