winter emotions

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Miria is born on a cold morning,

It's the winter holidays.
Suki and I are still in bed.
It's still dark outside.

Aoi starts screaming and making a fuss.
I wake up to the sound of 
someone pounding downstairs.

Suki stirs beside me
and wakes up when the door slams open.

"What's happening, Harmony?"

"Aoi is going to the hospital, Suki."

"Is dad gone too?"

I hear the car's engine start
and the screech of tires
as Father pulls out frantically
of our driveway.

"Yeah, both of them are gone."

"Will they be long like last time?"

"I don't know."

I pause and wonder if they'll come back tonight
with yet another bundle of terror
of sleepless nights,
of cranky step mothers.

Then I remember Zeira 
and pull myself out of bed.

I need to check on her
and I need to feed us.

The thought makes my stomach churn
I wonder how many meals
I'll have to prepare
while Aoi is gone.

But I mask the fear
and ask,

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?"

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