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*Thursday December 1st*

London, England, UK

Melissa's POV

I was at the hospital for a doctors appointment where I would be able to find out the baby's gender. I am about 14 weeks pregnant and my pregnancy belly is only a little bit bigger then on Thanksgiving.

I had a 1215 PM appointment so Wren could take a lunch break to be at the appointment with me.

"Are you thinking boy or girl?" Wren asked

"I would love a girl but I'm just happy to be pregnant so it doesn't really matter." I said

"I would love a boy but your right about it doesn't really matter because this is our baby to love no matter what the gender." Wren said

"Melissa and Wren Kingston." A nurse called meaning we were next.

She took all my vital signs before getting the doctor for the ultrasound.

"Your blood pressure is just a little bit high." She said

"How does that effect the baby?" I asked

"As long as it doesn't go up anymore it's fine. I think for right now it's safe to assume that it's up do to stress or you are just nervous about this pregnancy." She said

"I have been a little stressed lately plus we just got back from Pennsylvania and I heard travel sometimes raises your blood pressure." I said

"Since this is not your first ultrasound I think you know what to do." She said

I took off my shirt before laying down on the hospital bed. It was only a few more minutes before my doctor was in the room.

"How are you feeling Melissa?" He asked

"This pregnancy is already tiring and the morning sickness got really bad after traveling." I said

He did the ultrasound. Wren knew how they worked and he had done one for practice before in Med school but for purposes of nothing going wrong I left it to my OBGYN.

"I can tell you the gender today if you would like but some people like to wait until the next ultrasound just to make sure the doctor knows for sure because sometimes mistakes are made." He said

I talked it over with Wren and we decided we wanted to know the gender.

"Melissa and I would like to know if it's a boy or a girl." Wren said

"Melissa, and Wren you are having a girl. The due date is June 3rd but I wouldn't be surprised if she was about a week or so early." He said

"I would be fine with that. Can we get 5 copies of the ultrasound?" I asked

"Sure, I will make 6 just in case you need an extra." He said

We got the ultrasound copies. I ate lunch with Wren in the hospital cafeteria. After lunch he went back to work and I went home.

Rosewood, Pennsylvania, USA

Spencer's POV

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