Holidays part 2

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A/N - I am currently in the year 2023 for this story 

*Saturday December 23rd - Christmas Eve Eve

Caleb's POV

Hanna, the kids, and I are going over to Spencer and Toby's house. All of our friends and the their kids are joining us.

"I can't believe you are really moving out of Rosewood." I said

"I almost turned the CPD job down but they offered to split the moving costs and help us pay for a house if we needed help." Toby said

"Spence, what do you think about this move?" Hanna asked

"I'm kind of sad to be leaving Rosewood but I keep telling myself that if you and Caleb once lived in New York then Toby and I can live in Chicago." Spencer said

"What day are you actually moving out, you seem pretty packed up right now? Emily asked

"December 27th. I start my new job on January 1st but Spence and I want a few days to settle in." Toby said

"All the kids start school in Chicago on January 2nd. For Rosie and Elizabeth it's Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten at the early childhood recreation center but for JT and Rochelle it's 1st and 2nd grade at elementary school." Spencer said

"I never really liked parents who switched their kids schools mid year but I guess you really don't have a choice." Alison said

"It's not middle or high school Alison so it really doesn't matter." Ezra said

"I almost had to switch schools once but my parents decided to stay in Rosewood." Aria said

"Is that a real or fake Christmas tree?" Emily asked

"It's a fake one. Melissa used to put the tree up in the barn when she still lived in Rosewood but my parents let us use it this year since we didn't want to buy a real tree because of the move." Spencer said

"It looks so weird and out of place." Alison said

"Alison, if you are going to be mean then leave." Toby said

"Sorry." Alison said

"Say it like you really mean it Alison." Emily said

"I'm sorry, it looks nice." Alison said

"Much better Ali." Spencer said

"Have you heard from Mona?" Hanna asked

"She went to LA to be with Mike or I'm sure Spencer and Toby would have invited her and Madison." Aria said

Toby's POV

"Yes, we did invite them but Mona had already bought the airline tickets for today." I said

"Jason had a work party tonight or he would have been here with the twin girls." Spencer said

"We did buy gifts for all the kids and then couples gifts for the adults." I said

The kids got mostly new toys and some clothes while the adults got gift cards to share.

At the end of the night after everyone left Spencer put the kids to bed while Toby unloaded a clean load a dishes and put dirty dishes in the dishwasher to start another load of dishes.

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