We are a Family for Life

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A/N - I am currently in the year 2018 for this story    

*Friday April 20th*

Toby's POV

Spencer and I had pretty much made up from the fight we had almost a month ago. I still think back to that day and it really hurt me when Spencer said that not getting the divorce was a mistake. I now realize Spencer didn't mean to say this at all and it was just said in the moment as we were fighting. Spencer and I still have the strong love for each other that we will always have. 

I woke up 30 minutes late and I still only managed to get 6 hours of sleep. Tanner had me working from 3 pm to 11 pm yesterday and today she has me scheduled from 7 am to 3 pm. Having only 8 hours between shifts was hard especially when most of those hours were used for sleeping. I was running late this morning so I barley had enough time to take a quick shower, get dressed, check on the kids who were both sleeping and kiss a half asleep Spencer good morning before leaving the apartment. I got to work and realized I didn't bring a lunch so I guess I would be going out to eat today.

"Sorry for being like 5 minutes late." I told Tanner

"Yvonne called in sick today so you can partner with another officer for the day or do desk work." Tanner said

I decided on desk work because I wanted to take a break from driving around and responding to calls.  I usually liked doing work outside the station but it was really nice to work inside the police station today.

Spencer's POV

I got out of bed after Toby was already at work. I was hungry so I decided that I would eat breakfast before taking a shower. I noticed Toby had left a note with a few things that needed to get done.

1. Give JT ear drop medication for his ear infection

2. clean out the fridge

3. Go through cloths for Rosewood church donation drive next weekend

I was able to eat my breakfast before both Rochelle and JT started crying. Rochelle was only crying because she wanted one of her stuffed animals. JT needed his ear medication, a dipper change and a bottle. Once JT was quiet again I gave Rochelle her baby food breakfast.

While cleaning out the fridge I noticed Toby hadn't taken lunch today because his lunch bag and reusable water bottle was next to it. I know Toby could just go out to lunch but I felt like taking the kids to visit him and surprise him at work. I realize there's a chance that Toby could not be at the station when I get there but I could always leave the lunch with a note.

I waited until closer to noon before getting the kids dressed and ready. I made lunch for both Toby and I. I also made a small bag of cheerios for Rochelle to snack on and baby food for both kids. 

Part way to the police station it started poring rain. JT was getting fussy but I was almost to Rosewood police station. I tried to focus on my driving the best I could but JT's cries got louder. Just as I was about to pull over in a parking lot I looked back for one second and saw Rochelle throw her stuffed animal at JT. In that one second I slammed into the car ahead of me that was breaking for the traffic light that just changed from green to red. 

Toby's POV

So far it was one of those relaxed slower days with little paper work that needed to be done. I had both tomorrow and Sunday off so it would be the first weekend in awhile that I could spend extra time with Spencer and our kids.

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