Chapter 4

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Demi's POV

Tiffany... keeps flooding my mind, something about her captivated me and intrigued me this is why I am driving around all of this area to see if maybe, just maybe I see her around somewhere.

Time goes by and I haven't seen her at all so deciding to get my coffee fix I go to Starbucks and as I go to sit down as if fate laid a hand she walked in through the door.

"Tiffany!" I called out and once she saw me she had to do a double take to make sure it was me causing me to giggle.

"H-hi," she stuttered shyly.

"Hey, sit down with me," I offered and she nodded blushing even more.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Good and you?" She asked.

"Good, good you know actually today I was looking for you," I said.

"For me?" She questioned like it made absolutely no sense which in a way it didn't.

"Yep," I smiled.

We sat there in an awkward silence and I noticed how she was very fidgety and I decided to take her out of her and somewhere a bit more private.

"Would you want to come with me to the park?" I asked and she nodded.

As we arrived at the park we walked out to a bench and sat there absorbing the quietness.

"Tiffany may I ask you something?"

"Yeah of course," Tiffany replied still shy which I thought was cute.

"What's your story?"

I knew I might be stepping the line as I hardly even know the girl but I just feel like I do and I know it's crazy but there's something about her that just attracts me and pulls me in.

"I'm not really one to say that," she mumbled.

"I don't want to push you but maybe it is better for you too get it all out,"

She nodded and thinking that she wasn't going to say anything I turned back around and faced the view of the trees and playing kids but then she started.

"Well four years ago I was bestfriends with these girls and their boyfriends but one day they turned their back on me and ever since then have called me 'fat', 'slut', 'whore', 'worthless', 'piece of shit' and then about a week after it all began they said they want me to go die.. and that's how the cutting began. About a year ago I started eating less and then it got worse and worse but my parents would force me sometimes and when I did I would feel guilty so I straight away ran to the bathroom and threw it all up. Recently when I go to throw up... Blood comes out so I have stopped purging but I also have stopped eating, anyways back to school well now they always bash me and kick me and hit me until I'm bleeding and have bruises all over me and to make it worse they yell out all these words about me and at home it's the same with my alcoholic parents and it's just so hard," she said and to say that didn't bring a tear to me would've been a lie.

A few tears fell and I brought Tiffany into a hug, "How bad is it at home?" I asked.

She just nodded which let me know that it must be seriously bad and I felt awful for her because she didn't deserve it, nobody does.

"You're not going back," I said.

"Excuse me?" She asked looking at me, a face full of pure shock.

"I'm not letting you go back home,"

"Then where will I go? I have no where else,"

"Come with me until we find you somewhere else," I suggested not even thinking through what I just said either.

"I can't im sorry," she said trying to protest but no matter how long it took I was going to win this.

"You are not going back, you are coming with me and then we will find you somewhere else to stay," I said and it went silent for a few minutes as Tiffany thought about all of this and finally she spoke, "Okay,"

"Alright then," I said standing up.

"Let's go back to mine," I smiled as she followed behind me, showing a small but genuine smile.

I reached for her hand and held it in mine tightly. A rush of sparks flew through my body and I looked down at our hands and how it was a perfect fit and I smiled to myself.. Maybe she is interesting in more than one way...

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