Chapter 19

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Tiffany's POV

I couldn't do it I couldn't bare to do it I just want Demi.. I want her I can't leave her I saw how much pain I just caused her I couldn't.

The blade fell out of my hand and made a noise on the tiled floor and I went into the corner and started crying

Demi's POV

I heard the blade hit the floor and I rushed into the bathroom to see her lying in a corner crying. I go to her and put her on my lap and just hug her.

"Help me Demi please", Tiffany said

"I will baby girl", I said happy that she didn't do anything to herself and happy that she wanted help from me.

"Baby what made you upset", I asked her

She handed me her phone and I read the last two messages she had.

Scarlett: Hey bitch were gonna get you next time and your girlfriend won't be around to save you then

Dad: Haven't seen you at home but don't you worry I will find you. I always do.

Shit no wonder..

"Those bullies honestly fuck them they have nothing better to do and your dad he won't and never will find you when your with me no one can touch you" I said trying to reassure her

She nodded her head and gave me a weak smile. I hate seeing her like this it breaks my heart. At least she asked for help from me and I know exactly what to do.. But I know she won't like it but what other choice do I have..

"Baby girl your not gonna like this but in two weeks I'm gonna put you in rehab were I went to at Timberland Knowles and next week were going to meet my family." I told her

Tiffany's POV

"Baby I want you to be alright and if it's what I have to do then I will do it", she said upset cause of my response

I nodded my head and knew I couldn't get out of it but I really didn't want to talk to anyone and I'm gonna keep it that way.

"Come here baby I'm really sorry I just want the best for you", she said and had her arms opened for me to go and hug her

Instead I got up grabbed my phone and headphones and just ran. I kept running and running until I ran out of breath. I don't know where I was but I found a bench and I say there crying and then I fell asleep.

Demi's POV

She ran out of the bathroom and I went after but she was too fast so I grabbed my car keys and quickly went to the car. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find her. I stopped the car and just cried and cried and then I fell asleep in the car.

* Two days later *

I still haven't found her.. I'm so scared for all I know she could lying dead on a kerb.

My mum, Dallas, her boyfriend Rob, Maddy and Marissa came over and they know what's going on but don't know about her parents and the bullies but they know that she self harms and has bipolar and an eating disorder.

We were sitting on the couch I was sitting between mum and Dal. Rob and Maddy went out to get some food for us to eat.

"We will find here Dems", said Dal

I remembered all the times we've kissed and made out and everything she's been through I just want her back in my arms. I won't send her to rehab I just want her. I want to feel her loving hugs and her perfect lips on mine..

Tiffany's POV

It's been two days now and I want to go back to Demi. I've been walking for a while now trying to find my way back. The shopping centre appears and I knew where I was straight away. I ran to Demi's as quickly as my legs would carry me.

I had reached her house and I was at the doorstep about to ring the doorbell when the door opened.

It was Demi

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