Chapter 110

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*Three Years Later*

Georgia's POV

Another drawing added to my painting.. the only thing is that the canvas is my wrist and the paint is my blood..

Cut, cut cut

Three years ago when I said those three words to my mothers my life has changed.. If anything I've split my family apart

Mom and mommy hardly ever talk or kiss and it's breaking my heart, Bea now lives with us and I hardly ever see Alexia now, In fact I hardly see anyone. I never come out of my room only when I'm forced to eat and do school but otherwise I keep to myself

I miss my mom.. my mommy and Alexia so much.. I miss my family, but it's all my fault that's why I deserve to die so I can give them peace and happiness

Demi's POV

Fuck.. my family is a wreck. Honestly I've tried so hard talking with Georgia but nothing she doesn't say a thing.. A part of me knows she has done things to herself but I hope that she's smarter than that.. I hope

Tiff, my wife, the love of my life is breaking and I can see it but she closes me out all the time.. Alexia at least is the only normal one but you can see how hurt she is with all this stuff going on

All I want is my family back.. I still talk with mom, Eddie, Mads, Dal, Rob, Jayden and of course Kristian and Mar since they live with us but Alexia, Georgia and Tiff it's like were strangers to each other

Tiff's POV

What is left of me? Of us? What happened to my family?

I just want it all to go back but slowly I'm getting weaker, I'm falling back into old habits and more importantly I'm doing the same as Georgia pushing the people I love the most away..

Demi and I have tried a million times talking to Georgia but she doesn't respond at all, Alexia's tried, Dianna's tried, Mad's tried but nothing..

Demi, Demi, Demi my world, my other half.. Why did I have to go and fuck it up.. I continuously push her away when all I want is for her to hold me and hug me and kiss me and show me how much she loves me.. But I don't want her to know how broken I am when she can barely cope with how out precious girl Georgia is going.. Like she's only 13!?!

I just don't know what to do anymore.

What do you all think???

What's going to happen to them all?


Love you guys 💘😘

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