Chapter 31

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Demi's POV

I saw Kristian and he looked like TIFF but in a boy hot way. She jumped into his arms and was crying, I knew how much he means to her. Finally after ten minted they broke the hug off and Tiff came and introduced me.

"Kristian, this is my girlfriend Demi", She said proudly

"Very nice to meet you Kristian", I said

"You too Demi", he said and we hugged.

Tiff introduced everyone else and then we all went outside by the pool to start eating.

Rob and Kristian were chatting like old mates which was good to watch. Dal, Mads, Mum and I were talking with Tiff she was super hyped to have him here.

Tiffany's POV

It felt good to know that Kristian was around again, I had missed him like crazy.

I felt someone pulling me and it was Kristian

Demi whispered,"Do you want me to come with you just in case"?

"I'll be fine he wouldn't do anything but if he does I'll scream", I said

Kristian pulled to the other side of the pool and we sat down and he started talking.

"How are you"? he asked

"I'm better like a million times better", I said

"How bad did it get after I left"?

"Really bad, way worse than before", I said softly

He gave me a hug and kept apologising.

"Sorry Tiffany, I should've taken you with me not left you there"

"It's ok, what's happened has happened now", I said

"Anyways how's mum going"? I asked cause I know they were still in contact but mum wouldn't tell dad and wouldn't let me see or talk to him.

"Uh-umm, yeh ok", he said quickly

"Kristian"? I stood up and folded my arms.

"This isn't easy to say Tiffany", he said

"WHAT"? I yelled and everyone was looking at me Demi was on the edge of her seat ready to jump up if she had to

"Dad killed her", he finally said

I didn't know how to react. Kristian started hugging me and I kept screaming and kicking and hitting him. Luckily he was very well built and fit. He wouldn't let go of me and I bit him and I ran to our bathroom in our room and I grabbed my blade. I'm going to relapse after being clean for a while.

I heard everyone outside the door knocking. Demi was crying and Kristian was about to knock the door down. Shit! I put the blade to my skin and felt release as blood trickled down my arms.

Kristian had knocked the door down with help from Rob and they all looked at me crying with blood all around me and I dropped the blade and blacked out.

Demi's POV

Kristian had said something to Tiff because when Kristian pulled her in for a hug she was kicking and hitting him and then she bit him and ran off and I knew where to our bathroom. We all ran after her and Kristian and Rob knocked the door down.

I saw her on the floor crying uncontrollably with blood running down her arms. She looked at us and then she dropped the blade and blacked out.

"Baby wake up", I was saying

"BABY GIRL", I started panicking

Kristian carried her out and got Dal to clean up the mess. He put her on the bed and asked Dianna to get him the first aid kit. He cleaned her up and let her lay there.

"Aren't you gonna do anything", I said

"You just have to let her wake up on her own which she will", Kristian said

I started crying and Kristian pulled me into a hug.

"What happened outside anyway", mum asked

"Our mum got killed by our dad", he said going quiet

I didn't know how to respond mum came up to Kristian and gave him a hug so did Dal and Mads, Rob gave him a man hug and said sorry man.

Then Tiffany was moving, I looked at her and she was awake.

"Baby, baby how are you"? I said

"I have a headache but otherwise I'm alright", she said

I just hugged her and so did Kristian.

Mum came back with some pain killers and water and Tiff took it.

Mum,Mads and Dal said goodnight to everyone. Then Kristian left, Rob walked him out and we said he would come back next week.

Tiffany's POV

Everyone left and Kristian said he would come back next week.

Just then my phone went off, it was a text message. Demi grabbed it and started reading it, she said it's ok for me to read so I read it and it was from Marissa

'Hey Tiff sorry I didn't come will come next time your bro comes love ya xox'

'He's coming next week, so see you then love you too'

Demi came and snuggled with me and bed and started playing with my hair. I knew she was going to ask me about my mum and she did soon enough

"How are you feeling about your mum", she asked me

"She's not my mum she never was, it just makes me upset that's she couldn't be a mother to me", I said surprised at my response

"You have us baby", Dems said

"I know your my family", I said

"We all love you but me the most", and she kissed me

"Baby can we go to sleep"? I asked

"Of course, I love you gorgeous sleep well" Dems said

"Love you too"

Demi's POV

It was about two in the morning and Tiffany was sweating and kept yelling things that I couldn't quite pick up. She was having a nightmare.

"Baby wake up, what's wrong"?

She didn't say anything she looked at me, she was shaking.

"Did you have a nightmare"? I asked

She nodded her head

"What happened"? I asked

It took her a minute but finally she told me, "That my dad got out of jail and came to find me and hurt you"

She was crying and I held her and we snuggled.

"Baby he can't hurt me or you", I said reassuring her

"Can you sing to me" she asked

"Of course", I said

I sang Warrior, Skyscraper and Nightingale to her and it reminded me of my dad.. I miss him even though we didn't have the ideal relationship he was my dad at the end of the day.

I started crying and I didn't realise Tiff hadn't fallen asleep yet and she shot up and hugged me and asked me what was wrong.

"My dad.. nightingale", was what I choked out through my tears.

"I thought so baby, I know that song means a lot to you and is challenging to sing", she said

She kissed my forehead and I laid in her chest until I fell asleep.

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