Chapter 21

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Tiffany's POV

I was in the shower and I started thinking. I was thinking about my parents and the bullies at school.. I thought about what they had done to me and how they had treated me. I was remembering it all and all the pain and sadness came back to me.

I hopped out of the shower, dried myself and got changed. Then I sat on the cold ground in the bathroom and started crying while I was remembering every bad thing that has happened to me

Demi's POV

I thought I heard Tiffany crying and I rushed to the bathroom and saw her crying on the floor. I picked her up and carried her to our bed and I say there hugging her until the tears stopped.

"What's wrong baby"?, I asked

"Every thing came back into my head the bullies, my parents everything", Tiff said

"Baby what were you thinking about the bullies"?, I asked

"What they said to me and how they made me feel", she said

"How did they make you feel"?

"They made me feel unwanted and I felt very insecure about myself. I used to have a bestfriend but I pushed her away and she left and I didn't have anyone. I'm scared to get close too anyone because of them because every time someone came they would leave me because I'm too much too handle. I'm fat and everything else they say is true, I'm very protective if I get close with someone because not many people get close with me and whenever they called me names or bashed me I would think and I still think why am I here? What's the point? No one likes me, I feel like everyone hates me and is using me", Tiff said

Wow that's a lot too take in.. It's sad what bullying can do to people, how it gets so bad that people would want to take their lives because of it

"I want you to know I will never leave you and I truly mean it. Your not fat or anything else they say and your worth living because if I didn't have you, my life would be empty", i said to her

She looked down on the bed and a little smile appeared on her face

" I love seeing you smile and laugh it makes me happy", I said

She came and sat on my lap and we started making out. Our tongues exploring each other's mouth and it felt amazing.

We stopped and I looked at her beautiful eyes and couldn't help but smile.

"What's wrong"?, Dems said

"Nothing your just so beautiful and I still can't believe your all mine", I said

"Your always gonna be mine, I love you baby", she said

We kissed some more and then we heard a knock on the door

"Why does everyone always interrupt us!", Demi said pissed

The door opened and it was Maddy

"Sorry if I interrupted you", Mads said

"Don't worry babe", I said and she smiled

"I just came to say goodnight", Mads said

I walked up to her and kissed her goodnight and Demi did the same

"Bye guys don't have too much fun", Mads said and winked at us. Demi started blushing and I started laughing.

"I want to watch a movie", I said

Demi gets up and I can't take my eyes off her ass. Damn. She puts on Camp Rock 2 as she knows it's one of my favourites. When she comes back to the bed she noticed I was looking at her and she laughed and said, "Is something wrong"?, she asked

"No just admiring my beautiful, sexy girlfriend" and I leaned in and kissed her

We started watching and I looked at Demi and she had fallen asleep I pulled the blanket over her and kissed her forehead. I went any turned the movie off and I went to sleep as well.

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