Chapter 37

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Demi's POV

"Scarlett", she said

I instantly grabbed her phone and read the message, it wasn't just about her this time it also involved me.

"What part made you the most upset"?, I asked her

"All of it but mainly when it said did you break up with me", Tiff said and she burst out into tears. I put her in my lap and I hugged her until she calmed down.

"Baby I'm never going to leave you, you are my everything I love you"

"I love you Dems I would never leave", she said

I kissed her and i called her phone provider and got her number changed.

"What are you doing"? Tiff asks

"I changed your number and I sent it to the family,me and Kristian"

"Thankyou", she said with a small smile

I took her arm and I cleaned it and I looked at it and I didn't realise but I was crying, Tiff wiped the tears and kissed me.

Then I heard Kristian run to the bathroom.

"Are you guys ok"? he asks

"Kinda why"? I say

"I heard a bang and I was looking everywhere to find you guys"

"It was Tiff she relapsed", I said looking down

Kristian picked up Tiff, which is pretty easy because she's as light as a feather and took her on the bed

"Why"? Kristian asked her

"Dad.. I killed him", she says but leaving out the part about the bullies

"Tiff you shouldn't feel bad, I know it was hard pulling the trigger on him but he's done worse to us and he deserved this big time", Kristian says to her


"I didn't mean it like that and you know it", he says

She started crying and Kristian held her and then Marissa came in and picked up what was going on.

"Is she alright", she asks me

"I don't know Mar, I don't know", I say

"Kristian can I talk to you, Mar stay with Tiff", I say

Kristian and I walk out of the room, before I close the door I see Marissa holding Tiffany in her arms and Tiff crying uncontrollably all I wanted to do was run to my baby and hug her and hold her but I needed to talk to Kristian

"What's up Dems"? he asks me

"Should we put her in rehab"I say

His face looks shocked and confused and almost angry

"I-I don't know", he says

There's a few minutes of silence and then Kristian speaks

"Maybe she should go, but we can help her.. can't we", he says

"Kristian we have tried and tried and it keeps happening"

"But I can't let my sister go"

"You think I can let her go, it's hard but it might be what she needs"

"She won't agree"

"She has no choice", I say and with that we walk in and tell her

"Your going to treatment", I say

"YOU CANT MAKE ME GO", She yells crying even more

"Your going tomorrow", Kristian says

Tiffany doesn't respond and just keeps crying I go to hug her and she pushes me away and runs out to the backyard

* Two hours later *

Tiff had locked herself in our room and she wasn't talking to anyone.

"Baby open the door please"? I ask her

No response, I walked away and went down to the lounge room and I saw Mar and Kristian making out

"Get a room guys", I say and they smiled

"Is she talking"?, Kristian asks

I shake my head

Tiff's POV

I know I'm going to rehab no matter what and i really just don't want to talk to anyone.

I'm leaving tomorrow so I put Demi's music on full blast so I couldn't hear anything else and started packing.

Once I finished I turned around and saw Demi half smiling, I turn off the music and sit on the bed

"How did you get in"? I ask

"I picked the lock", she said and came and sat next to me

"Still have your Lovatic side huh"? she says to me I nod and give her a fake smile

"Baby I'm sorry, but I just want you to be better", she says to me

"I know you do"

"It's not easy for me either I can't see you for six months"

I started crying

"Six months"? I asked

"Yeah baby"

Demi came and hugged me and we both drifted to sleep

* Next morning *

I woke up to the smell of bacon and I went downstairs and everyone was there. I got dressed and took my bags down.

It was time for us to go.

"Bye Tiff stay strong love you" Mar said and I gave her a huge hug

"Be strong Tiff, see you once your out", Rob said and gave me a hug

"I'm gonna miss you Tiff", Madds said and was crying I gave her a huge hug and whispered in her ear to stay strong and not listen to them for me, she nodded and Dal nearly knocked me over

"I'm gonna miss you too much"! she said

"I'll miss you too Dal, take care of my Demi for me", I say

"She won't be the same without you"

I look at Dems and her eyes were welling up with tears, I hugged Dallas and Dianna ran up to me and hugged me and covered me in kisses

"Please get through this and stay strong I love you so much", Dianna says to me

"I love you too mo-Dianna", I say taking back what I was going to say

"You can call me mom", she said and started crying

"I love you mom", I said and it was time to go

Kristian, Dems and I left. The whole drive was in utter silence.

About an hour later we were there. I was too scared to go but I knew i couldn't turn back now, I hated Dems and Kristian so much for this!

"Hi, how may I help you"? the lady at the desk said

"Were here to sign in Tiffany Lovato", Dems answers

"I'm under Lovato"? I ask surprised

Kristian and Demi nod and a small smile creeps on my face and Demi grabs my hand squeezing it.

"Yep, now she will be out again in six months so you can get her out on November 19th", the lady says

I'm missing halloween, Demi's birthday, Kristians, mine and more...

"Tiffany say your goodbyes now as you have to go in five minutes", the lady says

Kristian gives me a big hug.

"I'll miss you Tiff, you will get through this and you will be stronger than ever I love you so much"

I see a tear roll down his face and I smile a bit and he mans up quickly and kisses me and let's go.

Demi looked at me and ran outside. I was shocked she doesn't even want to say goodbye to me...

"Five minutes is up", the lady says

Kristian quickly runs out and then I see Demi running in, she was crying like crazy, I've never seen her cry this much. She nearly squeezed me to death and she grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

"I love you more than ever baby girl, stay strong for me please your my warrior, I love you I love you", she says and with that they left Kristian had to carry Demi out cause she didn't want to leave I couldn't stop crying and Demi quickly ran back in and held my hands.

"Stay strong, don't cry ok please"she says to me

"I hate this, I hate both of you for doing this", I say and then I give her a kiss on the lips and I left. I could hear Demi's cries and slowly they faded away as I got to my room.

"Hi, my name is Johnny and I'll be here to help you with anything you want", he says. He seems like a really nice guy

"Thankyou so much and knowing me I'll be seeing you a lot"

He laughs and walks out to let me settle in.

I walk around and then someone calls us for lunch. I freak, I don't want to eat.

I sit at the table and they gave me sausages, mash potato, peas and corn to eat. I ate some and then I said I'm finished.

A lady called Mary approached me and sat down next to me and looked at what I had eaten.

"Your not finished", she says

"Uh yes I am", I say in a bitchy tone

"Finish and then you can go", she says

I run away straight to my room and Mary follows me.

"I know this must be hard but were here to help, that's why your here to get help so please come out and finish"

I knew I had no choice I got up and finished my food. Mary smiled at me and I wakes around to explore. They had a chair outside where you could just sit there and think or read and they had a gym, tv room, swimming pool and a music room.

I went to the chair that was outside and just sat there thinking. I don't know how I'm going to do this for six months...

Tiffany actually went to rehab!! Let's hope she gets better.

I won't write about the whole six months of her being in rehab but I will write about some of her days there.

Please guys if anyone has any ideas help me!?!?! Comment on this chapter with some ideas pleaseeeeee

Love you guys and Thankyou for all the reads I'm shocked at the amount of reads I've gotten love you all

I'll Always Love You~ Demi LovatoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ