Chapter 15

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Tiffany's POV

Dems asked me to eat.. I knew sooner or later I would have to but the thought of food makes me wanna throw up.

* 30 minutes later *

I walk downstairs to find that Demi has cooked us pancakes.

"You actually cooked without burning the house down", I said to her and started laughing

"Haha very funny, I cooked for you baby and please I want you to eat for me", Dems said

"Fine", I said

I picked up my fork and knife and started eating slowly. About ten minutes later I had finished. Demi say my plate and came and gave me a kiss and said, " I'm proud of you"

I smiled I was proud of myself too for eating something. Maybe I can get my life back on track.

After we cleaned the dishes we went back to our room and Dems told me we are going shopping.

Demi went in the shower first and then I went in. When I came out she was lying on the bed playing on her phone.

I kept staring at her and said, " Man your so sexy".

She laughed and started blushing.

* At the shops *

We reached the shops and we went into Topshop and we both bought so many things. Then we went into Forever 21, Louis Vuitton, Apple and I got an iPhone. Then we went grocery shopping. After shopping for like four hours we went to grab something to eat. We went to a private spot where no one was sitting so no one would harass us. I know how much Demi loves her fans and would do anything for them but sometimes she needs a time out.

"What do you want to eat?", Demi asked

"Whatever you have". I replied

"Ok I'll be back", she said

I started playing on my phone and then I looked up to see someone familiar coming up to me.. It was Scarlett, Hannah, Zayn and Riley.

"Hey bitch haven't seen you at school, running away from us are you?", Hannah said in a cocky voice

"Please leave me alone", I said to them

"Now that's no fun", Zayn said

"Come here", Riley said

I didn't move

"Come here now!", he said in a demanding voice

I started shaking and walked up to him.

Desperately I was looking for Demi but I couldn't see her.. I knew what was coming for me and I was scared how bad it would be.

Zayn punched me and I fell to the ground. Then Riley came and kicked me in the ribs. Then something I didn't expect Hannah got out a knife and gave it to Zayn and before I knew it Zayn cut me on my stomach numerous times and said, "There you go you loser saves you from doing it to yourself" they all laughed and walked away.

I was lying on the cold hard ground in pain bleeding and with bruises all over me.. This is the worst beating they have ever given me... I just want to leave.... I want to die why am I even alive? I started crying and crying..

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