Chapter 65

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Kristian's POV

My phone started ringing and it was an unknown number but I answered it anyway

- Hello

Anonymous- Hello do you know Tiffany Lovato

- That's my sister why

Fuck what the hell was going on

A- She's in hospital now she had too much alcohol in her system and she collapsed she's alright but there keeping her in here for another night

- I'm on my way

*End of phone call*

"Mar I'm going to the hospital Tiff's in there," I said barely holding back the tears

"WHAT! WHY?" She yelled

"I'll tell you later, get everyone else to come and I'll meet you all there," I said running off

Once I reached the hospital I ran in and went to the front desk

"Where is Tiffany Lovato's room?" I asked

"305 level 3," she says

"Thankyou," I said and ran as quick as I could. I walked into the room and I saw her on the bed her face looked lifeless and she had a few tubes connected to her but she actually looked quite peaceful.

I sat next to her and held her hand

My baby sister is losing it and I hate seeing her like this it's breaking my heart... I know she's on the edge right now and if this keeps going it's going to get really serious and life threatening

I was deep in thought when I felt Tiff's hand move and she was awake

"Hey how are you feeling?" I asked her calmly

"What do you think," she snapped

"Don't talk to me like that," I was getting angry

She just rolled her eyes and I bursted out yelling at her


Diana's POV

We walked to Tiff's room and stopped at the doorway and heard Kristian yelling and Tiff was crying


"You two calm down don't start this now," I said hoping they would listen


We all found places to sit down in the room and all our eyes were on Tiff

"I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of yelling, I'm tired of being sad, I'm tired of pretending, I'm tired of being alone, I'm tired of being angry, in tired of feeling crazy, I'm tired of feeling stuck, in tired of needing help, I'm tired of remembering, I'm tired of pushing people away, I'm tired of missing things, I'm tired if being different, I'm tired of missing people, I'm tired of feeling worthless, I'm tired of feeling empty side, I'm tired of not being able to just let go, I'm tired of just getting drunk and wasted, I'm tired of feeling that's the only way I can take the pain away but most of all I'm just tired of being tired,"

Literally we were all in tears. Dal, Mar and Mads walked over to her and hugged her while she cried like crazy in their arms letting all her emotions up

"Tiff, your like my own daughter I want you to get better we all love you and we all will be here no matter what family stuck together and I know if Demi was here she would say the same thing we love you Tiff and you need to believe that we do but firstly you need to love yourself," I gave her a hug and with that we all left her so she could think for a bit. I called Demi and we told her everything she was in tears at what Tiff said and she told us to take care of her but she will be here in five days so let's hope we can help her a little bit by then

Tiff's POV

I woke up the next morning and discharged myself from the hospital, I caught a taxi back home and made sure nobody saw me. I walked up to my room and packed a bag, I looked for a pen and some paper and I wrote a letter to Demi

'Demi, my wife my whole world, I love you more than words I can't even explain. You changed me you made me a better person but I can't do it anymore let me go.. Forget about me, move on with someone better than me who will be there for you. I love you baby and I always will remember when I'm in heaven I'll be looking over you forever. You were my first true love and more importantly my last, take care of everyone and tell them I love them all but more importantly know that I love you more than anyone else ever could baby, Forever and Always, Tiffany Lovato <3'

I left the note on the bed and I left, I don't know where I was going but I left

Diana's POV

Kristian, Rob, Dal and I just came back from the hospital and we rushed in looking for Tiff when Kristian found a letter on the bed. He stopped and read it and then he fell on the ground on his knees in tears

"Kristian what is it?" I asked him and he handed me the letter. We all read it and all I could think is we need to find her

"Bro come here how about we break up into groups and go look for her," Rob suggests and we all agree

"Eddie and Mads stay here, mom, Mar and I will go look and then you two go and look as well," we all nodded and told everyone and left

Demi's POV

I'm going back in three days and Tiff has ignored me the whole time and from what I've been told she's been getting drunk and high.. My baby girl is falling apart and I can't help her. Mom told me she was in the hospital because she had drunk too much and she told me about what she said which broke my heart even more... I want my baby back, I want my wife, I want the love of my life, I just want my girl

I want her curves, her body, her lips on mine, that big ass that I love, I want to hear her laugh, I want her to hold me and play with me, I want to hold her in my arms, I want to hug and kiss her, I want to just be there for her.. I just want my Tiff

Alexia's POV

Mommy has been crying all the time and I don't know how to help her. I get really sad when I see her like this and I know it's cause of Tiffany and I feel like it's my fault


"Yeah princess?"

"Is this my fault that mom is like this?" I say in a whisper

"Princess don't ever think that ok I promise you it's not," she pulls me on to her lap and hugs me

I started crying cause I still think it was me

Demi lifted my chin so I was looking at her

"I promise you ok, trust me,"

I nod my head

"I love you mommy,"

"I love you too precious," she says giving me a kiss

Will they find Tiff or will it be too late?

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