Chapter 69

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Demi's POV

"Tiffany has had a high amount of drugs and it is affecting her badly and she has been vomiting up blood which is life threatening," the doctor said

"What does that mean?" Kristian asked

"She has to go on life support to be able to breath,"

I couldn't keep it in I cried and cried. I ran to Dal and she kept me in her arms until I had calmed down a bit to talk to the doctor

"She can't die, please," I cried and begged

"I know, we will try everything we can but there's one more thing,"

"What else?" mom asked him

"She's pregnant,"

"How!?" Dal and Mar yelled

"She got raped," I said in a whisper but they heard me

"How is the baby still alive?" Mar asked

"There's a 80% chance it won't even survive,"

Kristian just walked up and down deep in thought

"What do you want to do?" the doctor asked

"Don't take her off yet," Kristian said

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YET?!" I yelled at Kristian

"Demi calm down," mom said

"Demi she's not going to survive do you think it's easy for me watching my little sister go through this," Kristian spoke calmly


My mom came to hug me but I pushed her off, I ran past everyone and went into the room and saw her...

Kristian's POV

Demi ran off into Tiff's room and we all just let her go

"Tiff's going to be heartbroken if she wakes up and find out about the baby," I said and I felt arms wrap around my waist and it was Mar

"It will be ok babe, she's a little fighter she will come through,"

"I hope so.. I really do,"

"We will give you two days with Tiffany and if there is no improvement I'm afraid to say but we will pull the plug out only if it's what you want," the doctor said

"Alright Thankyou," Dianna said

This can't be happening to my baby sister I can't lose her.. I can't lose her.. But if she wakes up she's going to be heart broken about the baby and everything and ahhh! My head is spinning I can't take it anymore.

Mar's POV

I don't know what Kristian is feeling right now... his emotions look so mixed. Obviously he's heartbroken it's his sister and there's a high chance he's going to lose her.. We all sat down except Kristian he was walking up and down the corridor and I could tell he was deep in thought.

"Kristian are you hungry?" I asked him and he shook his head

"You have to eat babe,"

"I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING!" He yelled and then he kicked some chairs over and walked out of the hospital

"This is horrible," Eddie said

"I know," I said

Kristian's POV

I just went off at Mar and kicked chairs what's gotten into me.. I was never violent never. I went outside to get some air and try and clear my thoughts when I felt someone tap my shoulder

"Simon?" I asked

"Come here," he said and he hugged me.

"Aww you have a heart," I said mimicking what Demi said one time to him and we both laughed

"What's happening with my niece?" he asks

"You don't know?"

"No.." he said

"She's on life support and there's a high chance of her dying," I said barely choking back the tears

Simon didn't say anything but when I looked at him a tear rolled down his face

"How did this happen?"

"Her drink got spiked with drugs and also she's pregnant but the baby has barely any chance of surviving,"

"Oh god.." he said shaking his head

"C'mon let's go up," he said

I froze and then agreed. While everyone was greeting Simon I went to Tiff's room and looked through the window..

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