Chapter 72

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Demi's POV

I walked back to Tiff's room and saw her talking with Kristian so I stood outside to hear what they were saying

"Tiff you were recovering you were doing so much better," Kristian said to her

"Then everything came crashing down and I didn't think I was worth recovery,"

"Baby you are worth recovery," I said walking in

She nodded and I went and hugged her

"Excuse me may I please talk to you two outside," the doctor says

"Baby I'll be back," I said trying to get out of Tiff's arms

"Don't leave me," she sobbed

"I'm just going out there,"

"I'm scared," she mumbled

"Of what?"

"You leaving me,"

"Baby I won't I'll be right back," she let's go and I kiss her softly on the forehead before going out to talk to the doctor

"We would like to inform you about something," the doctor says

"What is it?" I asked

"Tiffany lost the baby," he said

I looked at Kristian and he was pacing back and forth with his hands on his head


"Overall though Tiffany is recovering well,"

"Thankyou doc," I said and he left

"What do we do?" I asked Kristian

"We have to tell her,"

"It's going to break her heart," I said

"I know but she will hate us if we don't,"

I nod my head and we walk in to Tiff, I go lay down next to her carefully in the bed and she snuggles into my neck

"Tiff we need to tell you something," Kristian says looking at me

"What is it?" I could hear the worry and sadness in her voice and it was breaking my heart to hear and see my wife like this

"Demi tell her I can't," he said looking away

"You were pregnant.. but you lost the baby,"


How's Tiffany going to react?

What will she do?

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