Chapter 104

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*Two Years Later*

Georgia's POV


(Mom is Demi and mommy is Tiff)

Yay school...

I hate school so much, everyone hates me.. I know mom went through the same stuff and more that's why she was scared to take me in the first place but I wish they didn't take me to that hell hole

For the last two years it's been miserable and i haven't even hit my teens yet.. They all say I'm fat and I'll never be good as my mom and then some say mean things about my mum and I hate it! I hate it all!

Of course I haven't told anyone cause I'm too scared to speak up, I'm scared of how mom and mommy will react. What if mom gets really upset cause of what they say about her or something, I can't do that to them. Maybe I should tell Alexia.. I think it's time to talk to someone about it

Demi's POV

Even though Georgia's been going to school for a while I still get scared everyday that she will come home crying it worse I find cuts on her arm...

Tiff told me not to think like that because I get worked up and start having anxiety attacks but I can't not think about it she's my baby girl and I don't want to see her get hurt, at least I know Alexia is doing great with her home schooling and she's enjoying it

Alexia's POV

"A," I heard someone say behind my door

"Yeah come in,"

I saw Georgia walk and come sit next to me on my bed, she looked odd

"What's up?"

"I need to talk to you cause I haven't been able to talk to anyone else," Georgia said

I started to freak out a bit.. Whats happening she's never like this

"Tell me,"

"At school people bully me it's not that bad like they don't punch me or hit me but they call me fat and ugly and they say all these bad things about mom and I don't know what to do cause I always breakdown in tears,"

No... it's happening to Georgia, this is something we were all really worried about. I can't see her go through this and especially since she's only eight so imagine what will happen if it keeps going until she's 18!?

"G you to tell mom and mommy,"

"No but what if mom gets upset because of the things they are saying about her or what if they both thinks it's their fault," she said and a tear rolled down her cheek

"They would want to know, your their daughter and this happened to mom you know that, don't keep it from her cause the longer you keep it and the worse it gets mom and mommy will be upset cause you didn't tell them earlier,"

"GEORGIA SCHOOL!" mom yelled

"Go and we will talk after school,"

She nodded and wiped away the tears and left my room. I had to tell them cause I have a bad feeling Georgia won't

I walked downstairs and into the lounge room where I found mommy watching tv

"Mommy I need to talk to you," I said

"What's wrong?" she asked

"It's Georgia,"


There's going to be some drama now but not too much but enough to cause a stir

Also thinking of ending this soon and focusing on my other two books idk still thinking about that but for now the book will definitely keep going


Thankyou again to all my readers and I hope you are all enjoying this book!

Stay Strong ❤️

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