Chapter 1

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School was great as usual. If you mean great as in seeing your friend get bullied. My name is Macy and normally I do good in school. It's was all fine and dandy until my friends decided Lexi wasn't good enough for them. See, I'm the most popular girl in school... But sometimes my friends go way too far.

I'm not like you think though. I'm not snotty or anything. In fact most of the time our school is pretty nice. It's just that sometimes after school people like to pick on others while the teachers aren't looking, and today was one of those days.

Lexi and I were walking home from school instead of riding the bus. We wanted to plan a day so I could help her study for one of the big tests coming up. She wanted to make sure she got a good grade so she wasn't totally failing the class.

"Don't worry about it Lexi. You'll be so full of knowledge you'll ace this test." I reassure her.

"Or maybe she'll fail this one like she does every other one." Paige yells.

"Looks like super makeup is here." Lexi mutters and turns around.

I do too and hate what I see. Paige and her gang our right behind us. Normally I stay away from them, but today that was not an option.

"Just leave us alone Paige." I say.

"Oh what are you gonna do about it, rich bitch?" Paige laughs.

"Here buy yourself some better insults." I open my wallet and give her a 10 dollar bill.

She glares at me. I turn around and start walking again. Lexi does the same. I guess Paige wasn't done with us yet though.

"Where do you think your going, back to the junkyard where you belong?" Paige grabs Lexi's arm.

I grab Paige's hand and grip tightly. She gives me a dirty look. I look at Lexi and she was furious.

"Now Paige, we wouldn't want to start a fight now would we?" I spat.

"No, we wouldn't but if we did I would win." She swings her other arm at Lexi and slaps her in the face.

Lexi didn't have enough warning to duck so it hit her square in the cheek. It start to swell a little as she cups it.

"What the hell was that for?!" Lexi yells.

"Well I told you that I would win." Paige mocks.

"That was nothing compared to what I could do to you!" Lexi lunges for Paige.

Both of them go through all out rage and punches and slaps are thrown. I try to get Lexi off of Paige but she wouldn't budge. I mean it looked like Lexi was winning but it was hard to be sure. Paige's pals took out their phones and started to record.

Nobody was doing anything to stop the fight. We were all just in amaze and paralyzed. Paige was straddling Lexi as she threw punches and slaps.

"Stop! Stop it! Get off of me!" Lexi screams.

Paige gets off and wipes herself off. She flips her hair and and turns back to her friends. Lexi gets up slowly with a growing black eye. Tears are forming in her eyes.

"That'll teach ya to mess with me." Paige turns around and mocks Lexi.

Lexi starts to run. I want to go after her but before I do I turn to Paige.

"Paige that was uncalled for."

"Macy honey I don't understand why you hang out with that piece of gay trash. You could become one of us." She looks at her nails.

"Why would I want to be one of you? You broke my best friend. And for your information she's not gay trash." I run after Lexi.

I know where she went because she always goes there. The junkyard. It was always our meet up spot if we had trouble with our parents or something. I see the junkyard in my vision and I also see her.

Lexi sits on a abandon tire. She was wearing a black short-sleeved top and a pair of jeans with black converse on. Her tattoo sleeve was showing on her arm. She got it when she was sixteen. Her black hair was down with some sort of hat on. She was the description of emo.

I was wearing an innocent pink dress with pink flats. My blonde wavy hair was in a pony tail. I was seventeen and so was Lexi. We were in 11th grade and close to the end of it.

I walk over to Lexi and sit on the same tire. She was covering her eyes with her hands. I looked around to really see the junkyard. It wasn't much really just a place to put all the things you didn't want. Beer bottles roamed the ground as well as signs, tires, car parts, and gun shells. There is a wooden fence surrounding all of the trash.

"Hey Lexi."

She doesn't answer. It's doesn't look or sound like she's crying so that's a plus. I mean it was only a little fight.

"Lexi it's really nothing that you lost that fight." I try to explain.

"Yea well tell that to the cameras and my reputation." Her brown eyes look at me.

She was right as usual. The phones would post on social media showing everyone that Lexi Henderson lost a fight to Paige Smith. Everyone would go crazy and bully Lexi even more. Yea maybe it wasn't just a little fight.

"Well you'll get her next time." I try to cheer her up.

"Well I'm hoping there isn't a next time." Lexi turns her head towards me.

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