Chapter 8

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👗Macy's POV👗

We woke up and went out to the truck. All of our stuff was in there and we were ready to leave. More hours of driving, fun.

"You ready to go Macy?" Lexi yells.

"Yea, just grabbing a water from the fridge." I grab a water from the water.

Then I close the fridge door and head out. We have a lot of hours of driving to get to L.A. I doubt we even stay there that long. Lexi starts up the truck and we are back up on the road. she turns up the music and we drive along.

"Are you okay?" I ask Lexi.

"Yea, why?" She asks.

"Well, about last night. I'm sorry I pressured you, I shouldn't have done that." I look at her.

"It's okay, it was nothing. I've already forgot about it. For now let's get to L.A!" She smiles and laughs.

We both laugh for awhile. Good music will come on every so often and we will shout the lyric with the windows open. One lady gave a us a weird look but I didn't care. I was with my best friend in the whole world. It was getting close to dark and we both were tired.

"Hey we should hit the hay." I tell Lexi.

"Nah I'll drive through the night." She continues to drive past the truck stop.

"But Lexi, you should get your sleep." I look at her.

"Don't worry about me, get in the back seat. I'll let you drive tomorrow so I can sleep." She points to the back seat and I unbuckle.

Hopping over the middle I get into the back. There were tons of blankets and pillows so I made myself comfortable and fell right asleep not worrying about anything in the world.

🎧Lexi's POV🎧

I turned down the radio so she could sleep. Driving wasn't that stressful at night. You just have to look for drunk people trying to pass of as sober. I laugh to myself. That was my father every night before he went to jail.

I aimed my front mirror to look down at Macy. So I could make sure she fell asleep okay. She was so peaceful sleeping. I must've not been paying enough attention at the road because someone pulled in front of me and I had to emergency break. I honked and said a few words that maybe I shouldn't have but it was my right away to keep going.

"F*cking idiots." I say to myself.

I look back at Macy, she had done so much for me. Yet I had done nothing for her other than gave her a ride. She didn't snore so I didn't have to worry about it. I also wasn't worried about her driving my truck tomorrow. She had enough driving experience to take care of it.

I turned up the radio to ignore my thoughts. Sometimes I wander if I should tell her. It's a story for another day but it affected my whole life. Whatever, I'll figure it out. My only hope is that we don't get into about it. She's my only friend and I don't plan on making more.

"No wonder you're so alone, you don't put yourself out there." I mock my orphanage caretaker.

She always made fun of me because I didn't make friends with the other orphans but to be honest I didn't need to be more depressed. Dealing with my story was hard enough. Having another sad maybe worse story would be too much for me to handle. I look out the window at the side mirror.

"Wow kid, you got yourself far." I was gonna go insane.

There was another truck stop not too far ahead. I could stop and get some snacks and take a break from the chaos of the road. I hop out of the truck and shut the door. Leaning against it I take a smoke out of my pocket. Macy didn't know I had these, I told her I quit years ago.

Now with all the added stress of school I had to start again. I didn't feel too bad about it, I just wasn't gonna tell her. I puff in some smoke and release it out feeling already relax. I see a man walking towards me. Probably wandering what I'm doing smoking underage but I wasn't up for this crap.

I couldn't identify his figure very well in the dark. I shrugged and kept puffing. He came closer and closer.

"I didn't know you smoked, but of course every reject does something." He says laughing.

"Go away, I'm not at school you can't boss me around." I tell Mr. Sky.

"Ahh I'm not here to boss you around, just getting on my way to vacation."

"Planning on hooking up with some girls on your way out?" I laugh.

"No, wasn't planning on it but I also wasn't planning on you here so we'll see." I glare at him.

"Yea well I'm here for some snacks and a puff to calm my reflexes so if you don't mind I'll do it alone." I stare at him.

"Got your girlfriend in the back seat?" Mr. Sky points to the back end of the truck.

"No, she's not my girlfriend and besides she is back at home making perfect A's" I lie so easily.

"I doubt it, I bet if I open this door I'll see some blonde hair and some blankets and pillows. Might hop in there myself." He chuckles.

"That's not funny, you won't bother my friend as you do me. I won't allow it." I take another puff. "Besides, don't you have other girls to stalk?"

"Nah, I just come here to stop for the night to make my way to L.A. Where are you going?"

"Doesn't matter." Oh god.

"Well I'm just curious pretty lady." He winks.

"I'm one of your students."

"Not after you left the school district on your way to find yourself." He laughs.

"Well I'm 17, a minor." I puff again.

"Well you're also smoking so really I think I would win that fight in court."

"You're here to rape people?" My eyes must've been huge.

"No, like I said it's just a stop."

"Well then go I got to go in to buy snacks, haven't eaten all day and you're not gonna get in my way." I push past him.

"Why don't I come in with you?"

"I thought you said it was a stop?" I yell behind me.

"It was sugar t*ts but I got time." He yells back and it took everything in me not to turn around and punch him.


Sorry for the delay I was working on one of my draft books and kind of forgot because I really love the book I'm writing. Anyway here you go. -Sillywriter4

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