Chapter 17

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🎧Lexi's POV🎧

I woke up warm and I didn't want to get up. Macy was still asleep, peacefully. I went back to sleep, for there was nothing for me to do.

I was walking down the street, I'm not sure which one. It looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. I was back in Little Creek, my nightmare. For some reason I went into the school and took a left. Then I fell, maybe it was over my shoelaces. I checked but both were tied to my old sneakers. I didn't trip over anything. Then I flash back to when I was on the road.

I lift myself and look around. I was on the curb that I tripped over when I left Mr. Sky's hotel. I take a look behind me and see Mr. Sky chasing me. My feet start to sprint away but then I'm back in the classroom. Now I was sprinting down the hallway from nothing. I stop and look around.

There was a room down the hall that felt warm and loving. I wasn't sure why but I felt safe and started walking towards it. I felt a liquid drip down from my face and put my hand to see blood rushing from from the corner of my lips. Then the door seems as if it's my only hope to getting help. More blood rushes down my face.

I reach the door and open it. My eyes search for any human being. I feel my lips being cut like a knife and blood seeping out. Then I see Mr. Sky holding up a wet rag.

"Come here." I felt as almost in a trance.

I knew in my head he was not to be trusted. I knew that he was bad and I knew he was gonna hurt me. Yet I still walked. I sat on a desk as he cleans up my lips.

"How did you hurt yourself so bad?" He asks in a soothing voice.

He emitted safeness, I wanted him to hold me. I wanted his arms around my body and take me to his chest. Yet I knew he was gonna hurt me.

"I don't know." I say honestly.

"Did she bite your lips?" He points to Macy.

"No she wouldn't do that, she wouldn't hurt me." But as I said that his words ringed true.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"No, she did hurt me." I couldn't recall the memory but I seemed right because he said it.

"It's okay, you're safe now. I will cure your lips." He puts his on mine.

It felt safe with a pinch of hurt. I felt warm but with a cold heart. He felt protectiveness, but it was for what he claimed was his. There was good to the bad and the only way to figure it out is if one weighs more than the other. He grabbed me and pushed me back into a bed. It's was the bed in his hotel room.

"Let me be your one and only." It was here that I didn't feel safe.

It was here that the bad overpowered the good and I didn't like it. I pushed against him but he wouldn't budge.

"No." I stated.

"Why? Why won't you let me in, why won't you let me be yours and you be mine?" He asked with so much sadness it broke my heart.

"Because you hurt me..." I said.

"No! I wouldn't do such a thing!" He yells.

"Yes! Yes you did! You hurt me, not her." I yelled back.

"No she hurt like I never could. She broke your heart without her love. I will love you until you are so full of love there will be no one else." He smiles.

"No, I don't want you."

"You want the girl who broke your heart?" He says with venom.

It was true. She had broke my heart, she left me alone. I was always gonna be alone unless I was with him. But I wanted the girl who broke my heart. I wanted her even more now. Because even though I would be alone, I would still be okay. I was still gonna have myself. And that was fine. I was okay being by myself.

"No, I want me. I want to love myself before I love anyone else. And right now, I don't." I push him off with so much force he crashes in the wall.

I gasp at my power. Then I laugh. I'm not sure what was funny but I couldn't stop. Then Mr. Sky gets up and runs right at me. He grips my neck and squeezes hard. I couldn't breath. My vision was blurry.

"Now what are you gonna do love?" He chuckles. "I gave you a chance, you didn't take it."

His grip gets stronger around my neck and I gasp for air. I woke up suddenly with my hands around my neck.

"Lexi are you okay?!" Macy screams.

"Yea, yea I'm fine." I sit up from the floor.

Macy was leaning over me with clear worry in her blue eyes. She sighs.

"Lexi you had me worried! You fell onto the floor and started to laugh in your sleep and suddenly you had you hands around your neck. I tried to wake you but you just kept gasping for air." She has tear marks down her face.

"I thought you were gonna die..." She starts to cry.

"Oh Macy I wouldn't do that." I get on my knees and hug her.

"You were in your sleep Lexi! You couldn't have stopped it!" She yells.

I felt her pain seep out. My hands hold her as she cries. I felt as though this was more than just me and sleep. She cries as though her whole family has died in a horrible accident. And it won't stop.

"Macy, is this more than just me?" I ask.



"Yes, my father, Lexi, we were so close and now I have disobeyed him. He will never forgive me!" She bawls.

"No, Macy he will forgive you if he truly loves you." I try to make her feel better.

I'm not good at this kind of thing.

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